General Election 2020 Part 2

Boxer Moran looking well on Prime Time.

SF voters are living rent free in @Appendage ‘s head and soon they’ll be living rent free in new houses.




The fucking cut of Boxer Moran on Prime Time

He could take the bloody wooly hat off

This lad was a minister? Be the hokey.

Early leader in the club house for roaster of the year on national television.

FFG will use the corona virus to form an emergency unity(bar SF) Govt as a last resort to keep SF out

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Leo is being bullied. If he feels intimidated by SF holding a meeting, he doesn’t stand a chance against the IRFU.

And a beneficiary of the “soft landing” package worth about €90k over 3 years to compensate for the loss of his Dáil seat. It’s rather ironic that Boxer, tasked with a half-ministry to repel floodwaters, now finds himself back where he started.
All that said, if brains were dynamite, Boxer wouldn’t have enough to blow off his cap.

FG no longer the party of the landlord (IRFU)

If anything from this election shows how out of touch, how anti democratic and how authoritarian FFG are, then the pissing and moaning about these open public meetings is it
 And for once the media are not really going along with them. Even Matt ‘i hate SF’ Cooper thinks the criticism is nuts – you know the gig is truly up when he’s defending SF.

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cc @Raylan

Good to see someone from the big two calling it as they see it

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Young Dev is really twisting the knife in on meehole

Or else they are now on operation climb down after Leo told Mick to get fucked ---- Mick can say he never changed tack but for the good of the country and after listening to his party he will talk to SF to see what will come of it.

Are you going to act the child again if I dare contradict Eamon?
That doesn’t really contradict anything I would have said, or you agreed with to some extent. Michelle O’Neill isn’t going down the Creggan to talk with the dissidents herself like.

Act the child?

I’ve never said it counters anything you said, but I thought you’d like to hear what a TD , from your beloved FFG stock, and who actually read the report, said - The claim the IRA exists is founded on Chinese whispers. And it’s very dangerous and irresponsible to say otherwise.

There’s no evidence that they don’t exist other than what Gerry Adams said and the rest of SFers fell in line with.

Of course Gerry was never in the IRA.

There’s no evidence Big foot or the Loch Ness monster dont exist either.