General Election 2020 Part 2

We can’t all bend over with our cheeks pulled apart bro.

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Funnily enough Churchill was a cunt too

Sir Winston was a hero. Defeated the Nazis.

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Churchill was a fraud. Got his hole opened by Hitler and ran to the yanks begging them to save him. He was a drunken fool.

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All of Europe caved to Nazis, US sat on their hands but Great Britain under Churchill was resolute.


Churchill was a mass murderering cunt.


SF IRA are absolutely seething.:joy::joy:

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The Nazis were defeated in the Battle of Britain in October 1940. The Yanks didn’t join the war until December 1941.

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Perhaps it’s a case that Leo is our wartime general

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I’m a bot though - it’s what I’m designed for :man_shrugging:

If the British Empire and it’s Commonwealth last for a thousand years, men will say, This was their finest hour.

This’ll all be over in time and SF can hold their rallies again god willing

you have to laugh… The government shills go about chanting Leo, Leo, Leo…as soon as they are clamped they go about scremaning that everyone else is seething :grin:

Internetting 101.

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I wouldn’t necessarily say that rhetoric that an empire would last for a thousand years is something to admire. And it turned out to be as accurate as the other lad who said it.


What’s interesting is that a lot of support is sucked from Independents.

It’s times like this that people realise that narrow interests don’t work in governing.

It’d be great to have another election just to see the simpleton in Limerick lose his seat. He could drive his 1950s car to the dole office.

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Tom lost it completely during the week. Binky is back with his thinly veiled homophobia towards Varadkar too.

It’s very disconcerting how some lads lose grip of themselves in a crisis.

Is that the Fianna Fáil fellow who ran as an Independent when he couldn’t get on the Fianna Fáil ticket? Think @dodgy_keeper was his campaign manager or at the very least a key member of the brains trust.