General Election 2020 Part 2

That’s a wonderful example of poetic licence.

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How many years did the British Empire last after he said that? Five? One?

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It’s gas seeing the media trying to bounce the Greens into government with FFG.

Some of them are spitting fire that the Greens have consistently maintained the position of preferring a unity government. They are demanding that the Greens talk to FFG, but they don’t seem to be similarly holding FFG to account for not talking to other parties.

@Little_Lord_Fauntleroy will you flaky fuckers hold the line? Eamon(n) Ryan is liable to do anything but the new breed like Neasa Hourigan have been very articulate and strong on this…so far.

Great time for them to go in. The Climate is an emergency after all and sitting on the sidelines for 5 more years will leave them hated by generations to come. Lots of change in the world right now and a perfect time for them to put into place some of the Green agenda.

Sitting on the sidelines hoping they won’t lose their seats next time out isn’t good enough for our children and their children.


I think the greens have been a bit of a catch-all party and attracted votes from across the political spectrum. In some ways the “why can’t we all just be fwends” effort at a national gov was an effort to protect that. However it looks like they’ll have to jump either right or left, with a corresponding loss of votes from whichever cohort they piss off. I personally know some Green voters from the last election who are outraged by their messing at a time of national crisis. However, if they did go in with FF/FG there equally would be left voters who gave them votes/preferences who would be similarly outraged.

Tough shit - politics is sometimes hard decisions

I’d agree apart from the snerry tone. We need action

Messing? If they’re messing then so are FFG.

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Surely you don’t expect FG cheerleaders to take responsibility when they could blame smaller parties that haven’t had the power to do anything/anyone else at all?

How predictable

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Stop after timing


Lay off the elderflower and nettle wine.

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Yeah maybe - but no one seems to pissed of about excluding SF

Most people I’ve spoken to about this are of the same mind. Thank fuck FG are still in situ for this. Having a brand new government stacked with folk who’ve never been in office would have likely been a bigger disaster. The most of them won’t have a problem fucking FG out of office again if given another chance.

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It’s time for straight talking pal, we need to save the planet

Lettuce get change done.

This is the return of John (Scan) Concannon you’re on about…

We’re saved…The greatest talent of all time finally delivers… H’on Galway.


I hope it’s not a rubby world cup knockout game you’re comparing it to mate

He’s out semaphoring with his minions at the moment. #beinggreen

It’s called the precautionary principle. It’s literally the exact opposite of after timing.

I diskike Leo for lots of reasons but that’s not one of them