General Election 2020 Part 2

The stumpy lady from Cork I think

Feel free to tag me if youd like to take the piss out of me. Sure what fun is it otherwise?

@Juhniallio didn’t rhyme with Juh. Keep cross referencing posts to determine who’s seething and who isn’t, you odd little man.

The fun is in knowing you’ll find it and respond without being tagged.

Unnecessary nasty tone there. I’ve just finished the kid’s schooling for the day and am feeling quite good so I’ll be ignoring the sentiments.

I said you were lying. It’s possible you were just plain wrong but given how smart you are I’d imagine there’s little chance of that. How are you today?

So during this crisis Leo has rehired a PR guy , who is using endless bot accounts and having Leo sit for endless daily photo ops , and is being paid with state money —

By god.

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NIMBYism is rife across the political boundaries, you won’t hear me say otherwise.

I am specifically talking about someone who makes a virtue of himself and lambasts others.

You see you use the word “NIMBYism” there in an attempt to shut down debate and to try and claim that everything around the issue is black and white, when it isn’t.

The word you should be looking for is “democracy”.

The fact is Dublin City Council planners rejected the development because it was not in accordance with their development plan.

Given that fact, it seems more than reasonable to object.

I’m not the person saying that all the arguments are one way or the other - you are.

No, NIMBYism isn’t about shutting down debate, it’s a fact of life in many western countries that disproportionately impacts the less well off.

AOR is classic in looking out for local interests, local interests are to keep things the way they are. Where he differs is the holier than thou attitude. Indeed AOR once upon a time called for houses to be built on the lands, but changed once the reality of being elected came in.

The moves to take away power from DCC is due to their poor planning over the years and bending over to NIMBYism. They’ve gone against their own local area plans when it suits and have proven themselves to be unfit for purpose. Everyone is for housing and apartments, just not in their area.

See, you’ve done it again there, you use cliched far right buzzphrases to shut down debate.

You think the situation is black and white, as you usually do.

It isn’t.

You say that AOR once called for houses to be built on the lands. That’s a completely different thing to the proposed development. You, predictably, think it’s the same.

It’s pretty obvious what your game is here - it’s to whinge and moan and try and discredit a politician who gets under your skin, via crude Murdoch-style reductionist tactics. You refuse to even contemplate that he might have a point. The classic right-wing playbook, in other words.

Arise Senator Malcolm. What a roller coaster 9 months, he’s contested local elections, bye election, general election, Seanad election and European election. Set a record as well as the shortest second TD since 1922.

You’re full of accusations alright. I’m grand. Cleat being cooped up isn’t agreeing with you because you’re being an awful dickhead.


NIMBYism has nothing to do with left or right. As I already stated, this is a disease in all parties, though FG at a national level have made steps to stop this.

AOR gives out about the housing crisis continually. He previously called for houses to be built there, but now objects to anything being there and wants it “preserved as a park”, when it’s not a public park and is a tiny part of the greenfields there. His excuse for this change is that at the time he didn’t represent the area.

If he wants to really object to ABP’s new powers, then go into government and change it. Labour and his excuse for going in in 2011 and the subsequent actions was that it was a national emergency, apparently the current situation does not meet that threshold for him. AOR is currently happy out that his objections to this development resecured him a seat in the Dáil and wants to snipe from the sidelines as leader of the party. He has very little credibility at this point.

What you’re basically saying is: “I have a position on a subject and anybody else who doesn’t have that position is not legitimate”, that their position is not legitimate, that they should not be allowed hold a position different to yours.

That’s not democracy, that’s a lust for dictatorship.

Nope, I’m calling out his hypocrisy and thirst for a Dáil seat and a soap box rather than doing something practical.

In fairness to him, he suffered for doing that between 2011-2016.

No, that’s not what you’re doing. You’re saying that taking a position you disagree with on a matter is illegitimate, and that there could not possibly be any legitimate reason to take such a position, and that any person who takes such a position is doing so for nefarious or self-serving reasons.

You are saying that an issue is entirely black and white when it clearly isn’t.

ABP have rejected plenty of these applications, including a previous one here. These should only be put where there is high quality transport links and that’s the emphasis of ABP decisions so far. During the Celtic Tiger we had this wonderful devolved County Council (and opportunistic developer) driven development and ended up with sprawl, ghost estates and people sitting in cars. It’s actually far cheaper for developers to throw up 2 floor houses in the back arse of nowhere than undertake these developments.

All in all, what is the issue with it? It is currently playing fields not open to the general public. The school itself gets hugely enhanced facilities out of this. It is a tiny portion of a huge amount of greenfields. More young people move into the area and can use public transport to work.

The disease of NIMBYism is everywhere. In DĂșn Laoghaire Rathdown there was the same mass objections from worried locals (and still are when they come up) 25 years ago over apartment blocks and various nonsensical reasons against them.

Bad day for the suppliers exorbitantly-priced refreshments