General Election 2020 Part 2

Reluctantly, only after Trump was accused by the media of bias.


He definitely won’t be leading the Lab Party.

I think he was the lad who was delighted to be in gov with FG before or is he the guy that doesn’t like apartments being built.

Actually my mistake, he’s both of those.

Said he wouldn’t be bothered with the Seanad while a TD, think he backtracked after losing his Seat.

Alan Kelly will save the Lab Party

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Newman got in ahead of Ahern?

prospective leader of the labour party

all round good guy for a gypo


Blue Juh’s would be leader.

Something along those lines, what was it you called me then?

He called you a landlord and a hypocrite.

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Goes mad about homelessness but tries to block developments in his own area.

I think you’re mixing him up with the lad who wanted the seanad abolished then took a seanad seat

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He did both.

there should be no instances where developments are blocked?

Pretty much every local rep in the area (includng Fine Gael) was against that development and apparently the developer completely took the piss by drawing up plans he was told would be rejected.

But sure of course with you everything is black and white, you know no other way.

Who is Murphy O’Mahony?

St Pats fan Fintan popping the poll.