General Election 2020 Part 2

It’s mad that Twitter would try to make out it isn’t filled with bots and trolls and fake acccounts. Mad, I tells ya.

Any self respecting user accused of being a bot would refute it. Amazing a lot of these new accounts didn’t try and establish bona fides in this regard, should they wish to be taken seriously in future ?

No more room on the gravy train for Timmy Dooley.

Looks like there is some disquiet in FF.

@horsebox 11/1//2020 "there is no magic money tree "

@Horsebox 01/04/2020 “borrow borrow spend spend”


There is huge disquiet in FF.

That’s it’s not 1957.

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We go again…

You’re a bicycle seat sniffer.

We’ll see the cost of this for a few years to come, pal.

Sadly given the way politics works and people‘a short term priorities, I can see a lot of capital expenditure being sidelined again.

COVID-19 is going to obliterate plans for a Cork-Limerick motorway and a Galway bypass. :clap:

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If only there was a cheap way of improving transport infrastructure which improved the fitness of users


I reckon we are going to see some tax incentives for offices to allow people to work from home more so that the roads are emptier. Cheaper even than cycling infrastructure, they can also spin it into a positive for rooral Ireland.


Cork Limerick motorway isn’t needed anyway.

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Looked at before if multinationals could get grant relief for remote employees in Border and midlands. I expect it will be rolled out more now for all businesses

Motorway is superfluous there

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If anything the road should be downgraded.

True, needed to be said.


We haven’t scratched the surface with remote working. It won’t solve all of our problems but will be a short term solution to a few of our problems.

I’d still be quite bullish on the construction sector here when this is all over. If anything demand is only going to go up with many migrants returning home due to this crisis (I’d expect quite a few will end up staying). You’d assume a Programme for Government will keep the housing investments promised.