General Election 2020 Part 2

Emmet Kirwan is a great man for grandiloquence.

Most of his phases seemed well-worn from repeated usage

She is beautiful, despite her slaphead

Sligo Leitrim done and dusted. What the country needed another McSharry

If he is who I think he is then he’s the very reason that Davy and the lads have had a few NY based events in the last few years.

RTE comes into its own at election time. They have done a great job

The Valentines Late Late show this week to come as well

The fact that VM throw out such shite makes them look even better too

The man is a pompous arrogant tool. Come back Regina all is forgiven. This fella will be bang there for coty for however long he is a TD.


Wexford people have a very well organized diaspora . Tyrone and Mayo as well .

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The links to the counts were messy last night. Usually it was half way through the first or second candidate when they went to it. You would think they would be tipped off.


I read that VM as Verona Murphy

Mary Lou, no frontiers

That’s him alright. Davy’s man in New York. Verona would be too demure and understated though to be crowing about connections in New York helping to bankroll the county hurling team like some deputies from other counties and their New York based siblings.

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I thought he spoke very well without sounding arrogant or angry at the electorate like a lot of FGers. His unbelievably punchable face doesn’t help him

If she ran again for FG then she wouldn’t have got in. FG tossing her aside worked in her favour. Her bye election performance wasn’t great at all albeit the media hopped all over everything she said.

She’ll probably go on to do similar things to Wallace and achieve massive national success while doing fuck all locally. And will likely be known as the lady who never filled a pothole. Fair play to her.

Harris Donnelly and Matthews elected

Greens win in Wickla

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Lisa Chambers is anyway. Micheal Martin would have been mad for her to breastfeed in the Dail to dispel the image of Fianna Fail as theocratic, woman-hating fossils who belong in the 1940s. Now that chance is gone and all Fianna Fail is left with is 38 massive tits.


So 38, 37 and 35 is what it’s looking like. Now the real fun starts.
A seismic shift in Irish politics

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He is incredibly condescending. “Politics a vocation”. If that’s a euphemism for pigs at a trough well then fine. FGs problem is that it attracts unepathetic wankers with a superiority complex and who dont care what the average person is going through.


Amazing that we will be done and dusted by Midnight on the second day of counting. No rechecks, recounts