General Election 2020 Part 2

Where would you even start with a statement like that.

Mr Flanagan said: "Because of fears that many people in the local community expressed to him as to their safety and security, they co-operated only and explicitly on the basis of an assurance of absolute confidentiality and that what they related to Deputy Commissioner Crowley was for the government only.

A memorial to Mr McAnespie was erected at the scene of where the shooting happened
“To release the full content of the Crowley Report even at this stage 30 years later would be a breach of trust of the Irish government to those parties.”

— fairly clear cut here why they couldn’t. How would SF/IRA treat those who simply told the truth as they knew it to a government authority

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The bit about the Free State minister for justice thwarting a family’s bid to get the killer brought to justice.

Yes, it’s fairly cut and dry.

That report could secure a prosecution against Aidan McAnespie’s killer.

The FG minister for justice is refusing to release it, he is engaging in yet another coverup of British State terrrorism on this island.

That is what you voted for.

Do you know whats in the report?

Was Mr McAnespie killed in Eire or Northern Ireland?

The FG Minister for Justice won’t let it be released.

He is denying the family’s bid to get justice.

British State terrorism, sponsored by Fine Gael.

The family were told of its outline as per that article.

You have no idea what is in it so. So there might be no evidence of a cover up at all? But there definitely is evidence of the ira taking retribution against people who assist authorities they don’t like.

So you voted for SF who embraced the killers of jerry mccabe at an ard fheis, have you no issue with that?

The family are adamant they want it, their legal team have consistently said it would be absolutely vital is securing a prosecution.

I know that the family want it, their legal team believe it is crucial to their case in getting a conviction against the killer and I know that the FG Minister for Justice will not release this report.

It’s in line with FG and their reprehensible inaction on the worst terrorist atrocity the free state has seen. They have been covering up British State terrorism on this island for nearly a century, they recently tried to hold a commemoration for British terrorists in this island and their record on justice in this state is absolutely sickening. Look how FG deal with Garda whistleblowers.

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I don’t vote. There was only one killer of McCabe.

The danger to people who spoke to authorities is clear, the family might want it but if people spoke only on a guarantee of anonymity that can’t be ignored. Because of SF/IRAs warped view of justice lives wpuld be at stake.

Why not? How else would you propose to change government or at least hold them to account?

Ok, so you’re now saying nobody should ever comply with an investigation.

30 years on, what dangers exist?

Where did i say this?

30 years is nothing, the families area till livibg there

so if they apolgise its ok then?

forget the past?

Well that’s the reason you give and you either believe that applies unilaterally or you’re a hypocrite.

I asked you what dangers exist 30+ years on?

What are you talking about?

The danger exists now as SF/IRA still have scum and associates in their ranks, in leading positions

Is it not the case that the investigation into Mr McAnespie’s death was reopened in recent years and a former British Army was charged with manslaughter and is awaiting trial?

Is it? Well thats the end of that then

So why the rush for the report so, to identify ‘collaboraters’?

I’ve asked you what dangers now exist?

Can you not answer that question as it appears to be the basis on your whole argument.

You have defended Flanagan thwarting a family’s bid for justice but you’re then contradicting yourself on the same basis seconds later. Should nobody comply with an investigation because they are in danger?