General Election 2020 Part 2

We are dealing with post peace process issues here please, letā€™s just move on. Thatā€™s the standard SF want to be judged on.

Bright young thing Deirdre Hargey sitting in a pub full of SF members when one of her pals stabs a man to death and then claiming to see nothing is the new SF standard.

Yes, post peace process issues here.

2020 and the FG minister for justice is still thwarting a familyā€™s bid to get justice for the murder of an unarmed man.

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I believe a group of historians suggested a commemoration for the old Irish police force, of which vastly more Irish people have ancestors from than the old IRA, no matter how many times they have watched The Wind That Shakes the Barley.

Commemorations are down my list on suitability though. I mean SF and Mary Lou McDonald honouring Nazi SeƔn Russell who tried to overthrow the State disgusts me, but I have more pressing issues with the here and now on SF.

The state also disgusts me.

When you have successive governments who have tried to cover up war crimes by foreign nations then you can see how utterly insidious the free state is.

I just find it strange for a guy who was getting all hystrical about murder cover upsā€¦ how the biggest murder cover up in the free stateā€™s history, covered up by the highest offices in power with absolutely no appetite to ever cover uncover the truth, doesnā€™t raise any resentment with you.

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The name of the country is Ireland. Thatā€™s another issue with SF, the continued lack of acceptance of our country via the 1938 mythical handing over of the sovereignty of the Irish Republic to the Army Council.

I donā€™t know why you keep going on about pre Peace Process issues. We would all like to know more about the Disappearwd and Dublin/Monghan bombings, but SF want us to move on so Iā€™ll meet them at that standard.

Meehole is going gung ho not even balloting the members of the FF party.

Whatā€™s he looking for? Special AF in this climate?

Iā€™m not going on about pre Peace Process. Itā€™s 2020 and FG are still actively involved in thwarting the family of an innocent victim, an unarmed man shot in the back as he made his way to a gaelic football game, in getting their justice.

Flanagan will not release the report which could be absolutely crucial in obtaining a prosection for Aidan McAnespiesā€™ murder.

Itā€™s 2020 and FG are still covering up murders for the British state.

SF actually have consistently called for a proper truth and reconcialiation program for all victims of the troubles. The violent civil war parties have consistently rejected these calls as they are too invested into covering up British state terrorism on this island.

Both are serious in their own way.

But sure we all know that FFGLAB love dragging up a corpse for political means.

They are in no way comparable

Well letā€™s campaign for that so rather than also saying that the past is the past but also eulogising IRA members. Always looking to have it both ways.

Would the 70 SF members speak up at a P&R session on the murder that happened post peace process in a bar they were in?

Yes you are.

Wheeling out victims like they are bingo balls for publicity then doing everything in your power to thwart a family looking to get justice for a loved one who was an innocent party, unarmed and shot in the back, on his way to a match.

The FG way.

British state terrorism in Ireland, sponsored by FFG.

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Then why did you introduce that element then?

The mind boggles at the sheer nonsense of the #concannonbots

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Not in the slightest.

SF only want to be judged post peace process. Thatā€™s the standard they want so Iā€™ll go with it.

You seem hell bent on ignoring FG and their murder coverups.

They are examples of what each party considers acceptable. I introduced it to show how divorced from reality SF are. You compared them saying both are serious in their own way. Are you a SF supporter? I voted from FG in the last election as they promised not to countenance going in with SF never before that so keep you braindead bot comment to yourself

You voted for covering up war crimes on this island by the British state?

No i didnā€™t, show me the evidence of this by the way

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