General Election 2020 Part 2

No election this year is possible under current restrictions.


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Wont happen. As @carryharry said, fg have dodged a bullet with this virus and will want to be seen as the saviours of the country. You wont get 5 years out of the next government but you could get 2/3 .

Huh? I’m only saying what evryone is thinking

About polls or Poles?

Some of my besties count polls I’ll have you know

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My belief is that people voted for Greens as they wanted action now. No use being hockey players on the ditch


If Martin had pulled the plug any time over the last 2 years FF would be back as the biggest party. Left it too late. And made a fuck of the election. Should be gone in to govt with SF now. In spite of what many say they are closest to them as a party. Because of Martin’s anti Sinn Fein stance the party in now in an awful precarious position. They are going the way of Labour now and hard to see anything halting it.

During Brexit? Not so sure about that.

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I don’t even think they need to manufacture an excuse, I don’t think FF or Green membership will pass a programme for government and I’d say FG know that.

They’ll keep their copybook clean and won’t be seen as the difficult crowd who have caused the election like the Greens or FF would.


To be brutally honest the old line of

“Don’t want to be seen as the crowd that caused the election “

May not have the traction of old . All the manifestos for GE 2020 are about as relevant as a Harry Potter novel post CoVid 19

I agree with you 100% on the manifestos being worthless given the changed circumstances.

The party causing the election narrative is not a logical thing and is whipped up a lot by the media, it’s a stupid reason to vote against a certain party but the unfortunate fact is that it would have an impact.

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If FFG commit to 7% enmisions cut why wouldn’t green membership vote for this

Because I think the proportion of Green Party members who are idealogically against being partners with FG and FF is significant enough to see the vote fail.

This cohort is quite left leaning, would only countenance governing in what they see as a progressive coalition and is very wary of a potential mudguard effect.This grouping is embodied by reps like Duffy, Costello, McHugh and Hourigan and a hell of a lot of councilors. There is quite clearly a rift in the party, with the likes of Ryan, Smyth and Martin more ambivalent about who they go into coalition with. This is the soft rock, earnest urban hippy faction who are less dogmatic about things, a bit more centrist dad and are probably jonesing for a bit of power.

Can’t see the membership turning down the chance of making changes despite the hatred of FFG

Tour de France doesnt come close to Cicero on this thread today. I nearly ran out if likes. Bloodiest massacre on the island since Kingsmill.

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Never really understood that one myself. Punishing parties for being the one who caused an election. Has it ever actually happened? We definitely need an election this year so parties can put forward their post crisis vision.

Post crisis?

Some discontent among the young members of the green party and young members of Fine Gael about going into this coalition government. Looks like none of the parties trust each other.

Is another election this year almost inevitable, especially now there is a plan to lift Covid 19 restrictions