General Election 2020 Part 2

Justine McCarthy had an article in The Sunday Times today all but demanding Mary Lou is made Taosieach, just as the people had demanded so themselves in the election

I can’t see any mention of Mary Lou in that

Most stuff goes over your head I’d say

No mention of SF or MlMcD :man_shrugging:t2:

That alternative reality must be great craic

The Greens have been bought off. Can’t believe that slimey Cork prick is going to be Taoiseach. A sad day for politics in this country. On the brightside FF will be destroyed.


I wouldn’t be sure yet. The Greens are fairly divided and it would want to be a knock out programme for gov to get past their membership


I understand 2/3s of the green members need to agree any programme . @Little_Lord_Fauntleroy might tell us a bit more

FF grassroots won’t accede to this as easy as predicted surely? Once Mcguinness O Cuiv etc start stirring in background I reckon Martin will have a problem


FF are in bother in the short term whatever way they jump now. The C&S did more damage to FF than the financial crash

Will the grassroots get a say? Wasn’t Martin saying that they won’t be giving the grassroots a vote on whether they enter government or not?

I’d agree. Think the newcomers will be extremely cautious about coalition with FFG

Could ff split over this? Dev jr starts new ff

I’d say the likes of McGuinness and O’Cuiv have had a fitful at this stage. They might just let it take its course in the hope that Martin will fall on his sword

Why would Leo let Martin be Taoiseach when they are absolutely destroying them in the polls?

Becasue the poles are not to be trusted

They’d have nothing to come back to I’d imagine. Risky business

Possibly but Martin seems to be intent in following this thing through with fg.

He is so scared shitless of SF that he’s isn’t cunning enough to really halt their gallop by jumping into bed with them.

FG have dodged some bullets since election results.


Wouldn’t be surprised if FG find an excuse to not enter government and force another election based on their rise in the polls.

That’ll be part of the deal “a rotating Taoiseach”