General Election 2020 Part 2

I think it was Eamon Ryans actually to be fair


Indeed, as a green voter I too am frustrated by the leadership. There’s never been a better time to reshape the economy, to our green agenda and he’s talking about growing lettuce FFS

I was reading on the internet that there is actually no constitutional limit to how long FF, FG and co can fanny about here without forming a government. Somewhat surprised by that. I had assumed we’d be looking at another election shortly but no, that can take as long as they want. Great

Another election anyone?

I think this is probably more procedural than anything. The leadership is reviewed after every election. Martin is leading the negotiations with FF and FG so would be strange timing to mount a challenge to Ryan.

She was one of their 4 TDs to vote against entering government formation talks. Who were the others? I see the Cork city and county Green councillors have written to her to ask her to mount a leadership challenge too.

Think it was she, Duffy, Limerick chap, and Hourigan.

But it was an interesting call then to give her the lead role in negotiations as she is a sceptic.

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Sensible politics. If they sign off on a prog for gov it should minimise dissent.

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There has to be an election when safe to do so . All manifestos from the last election are pure tosh post Co-Vid .


We’re crippled in debt and running out of money and you want to spend more on a poxy election? - Set up a gov and let the cunts get on with it… when we emerge in 2/3 years time you can think about calling another one.

You are getting very right wing in this pandemic .

The whole country is up in a hape … Let FF/FG get on with it and hopefully they bring a bit of stability to things and we go again. Political allegiances and the likes just need to be put on hold for a couple of years… Hopefully Mary Lou will be gone by then also.

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Interestingly SF and some of the other parties have almost purposely avoided making their views on this clear. If FG/FF/Gr go into gov they’ll scream about not having a mandate and if they don’t and there is a GE they’ll scream about public health risk etc.

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No Government formed 100 days after election. It seems to suit everybody.

Apart from weasel Michael Martin.


Irish Times reporting that Catherine Martin is going to contest the leadership of the Greens.

Great news. Either one are great

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