General Election 2020 Part 2

Itā€™s like Sea the Stars against Frankel.


Or @SamcRollAllen versus @thedancingbaby.


So basically if Catherine Martin wins the Greens leadership itā€™s another General Electionā€¦

I donā€™t know if thatā€™s the case. She is leading the negotiations and may well feel that they have secured enough in the negotiations to go into government. The leadership issue is separate.

Whatā€™s the green party membership demographic like @Rocko? Full of old hippies or greatly outweighed by new young hipster environmentalists? If itā€™s the second I can see them shafting Ryan easy.

The greens need anyone else in charge. Heā€™s rubbish (unrecylable)

On the one hand heā€™s overseen a party rebuild and theyā€™ve increased their number of councillors, MEPs and TDs quite substantially in recent elections.

On the other hand they were coming from such a low base they couldnā€™t but grow, and polling 7% at the general election in the midst of a global climate change focus/agenda was fairly underwhelming.

Edit: Maybe fairly underwhelming is a touch harsh.

Heā€™s had a few high profile gaffs (gaffs as in errors not P Flynn/Gerry Adams type ) but I think he can be decent enough when given a brief. I thought he was a decent minister for energy and think heā€™ll be wiser second time round. Also, Iā€™ve a south facing garden and reckon weā€™ll all get seeds aplenty.

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Sheā€™s hopelessly compromised as a negotiator in that situation - sheā€™s already expressed doubts about the talks and now it would likely be in her personal interest (and her personal ambition seems to be the main factor behind the heave here) for those talks to be unsuccessful. The other parties would assume sheā€™s acting in bad faith and theyā€™d prob be right.

He might be a grand TD, but heā€™s no leader. No vision. No message, other than Iā€™m a big green hippy, you should be one too.
The Green agenda should never be easier to push than right now. They only bounced because people who didnā€™t want FF/FG couldnā€™t stomach voting SF. Every non mainstream party did better than expectations really, except labour, but they are kind of mainstream and a couple bucket of shite.
If we voted again in the morning the Greens would lose seats IMO

Itā€™s like Collins and Dev. He sent her in so sheā€™d have her name on it and couldnā€™t back out then

It will be a real shot in the arm for Dublin Rathdown to have the Green Party leader, Neale Richmond (FG) and Minister Madigan (FG) as our TDs.

And first off the subs bench the wonderful minister Ross.

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You said it was sensible politics yesterday to have a sceptic leading the negotiations?

I donā€™t think she is a mad driven type who will sacrifice the party so she can be leader of it. I donā€™t think her personal ambition is the driving force here at all. There are people who simply donā€™t think Ryan should be automatically reelected unopposed, mostly because heā€™s too conservative about social issues and too friendly with FG types.

As unpalatable as it must be for many of the senior members, thereā€™s a cohort in the party who suspect there wonā€™t really be a long term future for the GP and they are best off getting the best deal they can, implementing as much change as they can, and then the hippy environmentalist types (Grace Oā€™Sullivan, Ryan probably) can stay in an environmentalist GP while the more social policy leaning types (the Nessa Hourigans of this world) can move to Soc Dems or somewhere.

I donā€™t see that happening in the short term but it is a possibility. They were a mostly single-agenda party. Now theyā€™re not. And you have tension there between the pure environmentalist types and those who see it as part of a wider social change. But most would probably agree that there is an urgent need to tackle climate change and if they embedded some long term changes, then the urgency that binds them together now might not be enough to keep them together in the future.



A shot in the arm with a rusty shit covered needle if youre counting josepha

She was proposed by a few influential members. There is undoubtedly a group who want changes. Martin is far from the forefront of that group. Sheā€™s just senior enough to be a credible alternative.

Ryan strikes me as a lovely man - full of great intentions etc. etc ā€¦ but heā€™s a spacer. The green agenda is here to stay and they will need a strong leader as they get bounced around between parties over the next decade and beyond. I know nothing about Martin but iā€™m not sure Ryan is their man going forward as every time he opens his mouth he makes a show of himself.

Donā€™t talk about Grace O Sullivan like that you cunt. Sheā€™s walked the walk. She was on the Rainbow Warrior


I think Ryan is good when he had time to prepare himself but has an absolute inability to speak off the Cuffe, or unprepared. This has not been a barrier to any of our recent Taoisigh. Heā€™ll be forever haunted by the salad comments though.

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