General Election 2020 Part 2

A strange post, are you hungover from the party?

I don’t drink.

Spot on .

I’m fairly sure he lost two young kids so this comment is in very poor taste.

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The under the bed crew trying to stir up more fear and division by demanding another election… Freaks.

Has Mary Lou come out from under the bed yet?

Leo and simon should be knighted for their efforts.

I’ve seen clips of her in the dail and on the late late if that counts?

The maths are there for her to be Taoiseach . She hasn’t exactly broke her arse to get the votes .

We need an election with manifestos to reflect the post co vid environment .

Nothing is in poor taste with that slimeball.

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So you think she should round up a rainbow of different parties, ideologies and outlooks just to be Taoiseach? And after 6 months you’ll be crying for another election then…

What I think really don’t matter a fuck . She and her party are whinging that FFG are keeping SF from delivering a socialist shangrila . Give us an alternative ML .

Good. It didn’t agree with you.

The numbers aren’t there without 2 of the 3 main parties.

The other 2 main parties won’t talk to SF therefore there is nothing they can do.

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You’ve made all that up.

She’s not worth it anyway and would be better off under the bed with @Fagan_ODowd.

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They are there albeit very hard. Do you think SF are doing enough to stop you appalling vista of MM being Taoiseach

I don’t think there is much they can do.

FG and FF are ideologically joined at the hip and have now gone out in public holding hands. All they need is to buy a few more accomplices to make it happen.

Rumours that the Greens want to install an anti repeal attorney general on social media this morning. I can confirm the rumours are not true.

Big interview with Mary Lou in the Indo today

This rumour ie from the Sun Times.

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