General Election 2020 Part 2

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Move over Michael O Leary. Mary Lou should be running the country

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There really has to be another election ASAP

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Hard to know if this is FG lads getting ahead of themselves or if they’re just hopping balls with FF and the Greens as coalition talks approach crunch time

Thread has constituency breakout

While it may indicate a big gain for fg, if it pans out that way and assuming they still wont talk to sf, we’re really no clearer then we are today. Fg would still need the full support of labour, the greens and a few independents.

And it wouldn’t turn out that way.

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Gas fuckers

As is pointed out, it’s entirely possible they’ll be fighting a leadership campaign in the middle of a general election and at the very least it casts a pall over the current negotiations

Mary Regan did a report tonight on this and the whole thing seems bizarre

The political journos will pump it for all it’s worth rather than calling out the stupidity of it

Eamon Ryan is a shite leader, seems a nice bloke but he is out of his depth. The greens need to shove him

A Fine Gaeler with a bicycle shop

True in the main but Mary seemed to suggest that CM sent a letter to 100 odd members of the GP saying she was contesting the leadership but would not be canvassing or doing a manifesto . Sounded nuts

Martin will struggle to sell the programme or himself indeed to the FF die-hards.
Hard to see such a hotch-potch securing >50% approval.
We should, by right, have another GE in early September, it would provide some form of a blood letting contest in advance of “the championship”.


Michael Martin’s OIUTF musings could well have secured him the first @Batigol FF vote in many years

Ryan comes across as a complete space cadet to be honest. Outside of him most people wouldn’t have a notion who the other TDs they have are. I do like the cut of Leddin’s jib, the little I’ve seen of him, seems in touch with reality at least.

Will dev jr go for a power grab? I can see him lead the vote to reject this

From the wrong generation IMO. A younger, action-man type figurehead is required to reinvent and re-energising a flagging organisation. Is such a figure there in the ranks…

We’re beat actually. We’ll stagger along for another decade before becoming totally irrelevant as the country embrace Green ideals. Ye’ll be all atin’ lettuce and riding bikes.

The civil war parties will be replaced by 2.different versions of Greens, those mentioned above and the other Greens, those providing free gaffs and €516 pw rock n roll… Select…

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McGuinness McGuinness …