General Election 2020 Part 2

Unlikely to seek re-election next time out Iā€™d feel. He has cunningly however, cleared the pathway to succession from within the camp via the Co.Council route. That said the McGuinness family have a long association with KK CC.
10/15 years ago but his ship has sailed.

There is a space for green ideas and policy in the country. The greens are lunatics that cant be reasoned with. Rational policy is needed. LNG plant in the shannon is needed as bio gas can replace natural gas without and infrastructure change. Nuclear power is a lot cleaner than coal. Cycle lanes are great but rural Ireland needs the car, move to electric will be a big change and policy on pushing it will win votes. FF need a big change but do you see anyone filling that gap

LNG plant will not go ahead

Disgusting and so hypocritical to think otherwise

Will I still be able to flytip?

It wont, I agree but incredibly short sighted. Greens dont look at bigger picture and push the green comprises itā€™s just a no. Natural gas needs to be replaced. Biogas can replace it without anyone noticing. Weā€™ll be importing it in the next 15 years. Cant relay on wind all the time. The fall back is gas turbines.

Shannon LNG is from fracking which is banned on Ireland yet we want to.import it?

ā€œThere is space for green ideas but just not any of those that might change society in any way.ā€


You thought this was a great idea at the start. FG are more upset about this than anyone in the Greens.

Thought a Green leadership election was a good idea?

My bad.

I donā€™t think a green leadership contest is a good idea now - I think the party constitutional thing is a fig leaf of an excuse for it.

Ultimately Iā€™d imagine thereā€™s a real split shaping up in the Greens as to what theyā€™re all about. Itā€™s prob been brewing for ages. They get to do it in the full spotlight now.

I donā€™t think itā€™s a fig necessarily. They had a leadership change the last time they went through government negotiations.

There are definite clashes on priorities among the various TDs and groupings but I donā€™t know itā€™s any worse than any other party.

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Francis Duffy was retweeting stuff about burying the old Greens and Ryan. Sounds a bit more fundamental than a traditional leadership heave.

There is a distinct element of the left wing of the party trying to take control and finish the trendy dad Greens.

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This a massive move for them so undoubtedly there are reservations within the membership considering the damage done previously.

They have obviously worked extremely hard to get themselves back in shape so there is a danger of unraveling the party again unless there is a united approach.

Personally I donā€™t like Ryan. Is Martin the answer, hard to know either.

One thing is for sure, whatever chance they have of being taken seriously outside the follower-ship they need to be seen to be firm in their stances. Ryan is floppy and very much driven imo by outside influences and reactions to their views.

Duffy is an odd one. Heā€™s not as radical as the others from that cohort.

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Itā€™s a fig insomuch as its being wheeled out as the reason for the contest.

While every political party contains a spectrum of views, it would appear from the outside that thereā€™s a more fundamental schism appearing within the Greens.

To a lesser extent it would seem there are increasing existential tensions arising within FF. The contrast is that where the Greens split seems driven by policy and ideological purity the FF one is about tradition and power :joy::joy:

This is the tweet Duffy retweeted - no wonder eyebrows were raised!

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Itā€™s hard to see anything other than another General Election. Everyone bar FF and PBP would fancy their chances on improving their February numbers.

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Iā€™m not sure Greens will fancy their chances of improving but they may roll the dice anyway.


Sinn Fein would? Really?!