General Election 2020 Part 2

The greens proposal was own door accommodation, through local housing authorities. Is that pushed through?

How will the Greens replace direct provision though?

The legal profession will need something in its stead

Not for profit state funded alternatives.

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New builds?

That says an awful lot and says nothing at the same time . We will see . Possibly a constructive ambiguity to sell the deal to the Green Party grassroots ???

It’s not ambiguity. Changing from privately funded corporations making money off the back of deplorable living conditions to the State taking responsibility is a huge change.


The private companies making profit ( perish the thought ) is down to government not insisting on standards.

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I genuinely don’t know what you’re saying there.

Private companies are entitled to make money.

There are certain basic institutions which I don’t think should be privatised.

Changing something from being in the for-profit private sector to being in the not-for-profit public sector is a fairly big policy shift. I don’t think it’s an ambiguity.

In “ambiguity “ I am referring to the reference you made in where the greens will insist on ending DP as a condition on entering government . I agree with you it is a big scalp to bring to their base . I would like to see the detail . I would imagine the programme for government will be largely aspirational at this juncture but if you have more info I am all ears .

They’re not conditions by any party anymore. It’s a joint agreement. So the government agrees to end DP as a whole. There’s an article in the SBP if you can get that. From what I know it’s very accurate.

Ok . I am popping out to buy a paper and will buy the SBP

I see the Independent website is trying to stir up anti Green feeling claiming that FF and FG are bending over backwards to accommodate them.

The bastion of reasoned thought, Eoghan Harris, claims that a minority government is better than one with the Greens. I didn’t read into any of the articles any further.

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At times like this you’d miss visits to mam , aunt Kay or the house copy in the cafe in Listowel

The working title of Eamon’s plan for immigrants is called “Lettuce In”


Bollocks, it’s down to them being the only option sadly and giving zero fucks for the residents, their neighbours and in general nobody but their bank balance.

LNG plant halted
350m pa for VRUs
7% target will be met
End to direct provision

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Any policy to increase electric vehicle sales? Anybody commuting to Dublin city centre who isn’t driving an Electric vehicle needs to rethink their profession.

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Tbh. Cars shouldn’t be allowed in

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