General Election 2020 Part 2

Tip town twinned with Pripyat is a marketing match made in heavenā€¦


No idea but theres no way the nimbyism in Ireland would allow nuclear power plants here

Canā€™t see why Pripyat would agree to that


you are talking around 4 billion quid

The men in white coats will be coming for Michael Martin shortly.

The klan?

I never mentioned anything about Charlie Flanagan.


Thatā€™s the thing about the Klan, you never know. Kiefer Suthlerland was an awful divil in the klan, and his dad fighting to save Samuel L Jackson from the chair for killing them rednecks what raped his daughter.

You just never know.

The chap in the beard looking at EOB appears like a bodyguard holding a Glock

Deal looks imminent.

The SBP article seems very accurate on the contents of the programme for government. Ending direct provision is a big win for the Greens both in terms of actual achievement and also in potentially uniting more of their left wing voters behind going into government.

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Even if nothing else is achieved and the Greens are part of a govt that is as unpopular as their last venture the ending of direct provision is something they can be proud of, if it happens.


Whatā€™s their fix for DP?

Send them all home

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What will be the alternative to Direct Provision in the programme for government ??

I just axed that

Indirect Provision

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Fools seldom differ

**[quote=ā€œAshman, post:4697, topic:30479, full:trueā€]
What will be the alternative to Direct Provision in the programme for government ??
