General Election 2020 Part 2

Bigtime, awful shame too.

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Is it still open (covid19 aside)?

No shut a couple of years I think

I like this in principal. Can you tell me how it works? As in, right now, the state has the responsibility to house refugees, and chooses to do so through centres where they are directly provide with all they need, but it drives them fucking nuts mentally as they are in legal limbo. In the future what? The responsibility will be divested to local councils to house them in individual houses? So do they go to the top of the housing list? If not, are they housed elsewhere while waiting? Maybe in hotels. Or in one specific hotel for each authority? Like where they could provide for their needs directly… as it would be more economic? And is it just the housing refugees aspect or is there a commitment to speed up the process of application appeals etc?

Like you don’t know…

You’re as well off to get out of the place while you can, like @Thomas_Brady and @EstebanSexface

So the cork limerick motorway is surely off with greens getting in?

The 2:1 ratio on spending for Public Transport : Roads will make it difficult anyway.

Can’t believe fianna fail/fianna gael gave into greens so easily.

Why are the Greens against balanced regional development?
Why do they want to want maintain pressure on an overloaded Dublin infrastructure?

If they improved the train service between Cork - Limerick - Galway they wouldnt need to go all in on a motorway - Maybe just bypass Charleville and Buttevant.

A train from Cork to Galway takes 6-9 hours


Cc @Rocko

It’s a terrible route but 6-9 hours is a bit dramatic

You’d be quicker changing in Dublin

Covid looks to have knocked a few hours off the time - checked there and it’s only 4.5 - 5.5 hours… The extra 2/2.5 hours that you wouldnt see in a car would a great opportunity to read or catch up on TFK.

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Refugees aren’t in legal limbo as they have been found to meet the criteria to be declared a refugee and therefore granted asylum.

The state has obligations in respect of asylum seekers to house them while their claim is being determined.

The legal was revamped in 2016 to speed up the process but it’s still slow.

There’s no easy fixes but asylum, leave to remain and subsidiary protection should be determined with 6 weeks and then the appeal in a further 4.

The High court needs to be sorted out as that’s a log jam with people throwing a leg at it there hoping they’ll get to stay if the case lasts long enough.

There’s a lot of money in asylum. If you take out the money the numbers will drop


These are the same Greens who incentivized Diesel cars in 2008.


The accommodation at the moment is substandard. There are repeated issues with overcrowding. It was introduced as a short term measure to provide temporary short term accommodation. It has persisted for 20 years and it is accommodating people for years instead of weeks.

Most residents aren’t allowed to cook food.

Direct provision is more than the accommodation though - it’s the system. A system that doesn’t give you children’s allowance or other social welfare supports, but asks you to support children on €21 a week. It’s embedding poverty. A system that says you stay in this room, you don’t get to work usually, if you’re an adult you have no access to adult education. It’s next to impossible to get a third level education while stuck in the system for 3 years. But good luck with integrating with everyone else if your claim is accepted. It would be easier to transition from prison in many cases.

I don’t know what the alternative will look like, but sticking with the current system is inhumane. Self catering is the minimum requirement, own door housing access should be the ideal.