General Election 2020 Part 2

Probably better than youā€™d get out of some of those Turkish kebab shops all the same.

Expecting pregnant women to hollow out their own bread rolls is scandalous.

That dish could actually pass for a piece of art.

Mick Martin will be Taoiseach :nauseated_face:

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It wasnt a criticism of the greens or your approach.
I know what the system is now and what may be wrong with it. Itā€™s how it will look that Iā€™m interested in. Is there a detailed proposition of how it might work or is it broad strokes ā€˜give it to the local authoritiesā€™ type stuff?

I meant asylum seekers art. You bollox.

Sorry, itā€™s a pet peeves of mine

The two far right parties have united down south to form a government.


I know. Iā€™m articulating the specific areas that the Greens wanted changed. I donā€™t know if the Programme for Government is detailed or not, but I guess itā€™s just a statement to replace in principle without much in the way of specifics for now. It will be commission a panel to recommend an alternative type stuff I suspect.

Iā€™d say thatā€™s all he wanted. Would have been the only FF leader not to have held the job otherwise, no?

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They should make him Taoiseach for one day. Really emphasize the tokenness of it all

Said this loads of times. If you just did the stretch from mallow to Croom as mway youā€™d get away with an upgrade of the mallow to Cork route as it is

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DP is a shambles of a system and would be happy to see it go. What becomes of the legal status of the residents? No change just different digs? Are they entitled to work/full access to DSW entitlements etc? Facing into recession and potentially high unemployment period the timing could have been better for this Iā€™d suggest

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Will the arrangement last that long ??

Elected is elected is elected.

Lots of those gave up first preference votes to try and bring in a running mate in the same constituency.

The token female there from the Misogynist party.

Wonder will they get Malcolm Bryne to hit her a few digs if she gets out of place?

Navy blazer with black pants?

Is that the sort of cretin is going to lead the free state now?


This incoming bonfire will be the last of FFG for a decade or so

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