General Election 2020 Part 2

Hang on - are most of the SF “community workers”, councillors etc not the exact same? Run us through Eoin O’Bs CV there that’s so remarkably different?


Jennifer O’Connell went studs up on Cullinane there.

Didn’t take long.

Incredible that SF would put him on media duty tonight. Amateur hour stuff.


You’ve mixed her name up here.

Diarmaid Ferriter has aged a lot.

When Mary Lou doesn’t get the numbers to form a coalition of the left, they will turn around and say we tried, over to you FF and FG.

Could they be bounced into a grand coalition with the Green.

Come into my web said the spider to the fly.

Nah - SF got the “mandate”.

Will there be an Austin Currie in FF or FG who says Mary Lou should be Taoiseach?

For those who don’t understand the reference, Currie said after the 1992 election that the people had voted for Dick Spring to be Taoiseach, and that’s what should happen.

This is a load of bollox.

Mrs Goldman Sachs taking the moral high ground.

Where are the west brit insinuations you moron. Fuck off back to the American politics thread and argue with yourself like a good lad.


Don’t forget he’s never actually been to America.


Very astute media management by Sinn FĂŠin to get Cullinane out in front of the story.

Cullinane was an idiot for making those comments but fair play to him for facing the music and not hiding.


He was fairly impressive and clearly capable. Pity he is trying to appeal Celtic top wearing Dutch gold drinking waster.

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love the FFG narrative of today “SF made promised before the election - lets see them keep them”

the first time in the history of politics a party has made pre election promises

I’ve made one post in the US politics thread. Phrases like career politician are meaningless twaddle. All Sinn Fein’s top operators are career politicians. There is nothing wring with being a career politician, in fact to do politics properly, that’s what you have to do. The key question is that of somebody’s bona fides, do they actually want to make a difference for the betterment of society. I wouldn’t vote for Richmond because my ideas about society and the best way to change it for the better probably differ quite a bit from his but you made an arbitrary judgement about his bona fides based on literally nothing.


It’s not mate. ‘All politicians make promises before elections. That’s what you do.’

I’ve been to America loads of times.

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No you haven’t sid.

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