General Election 2020 Part 2

That makes no grammatical sense.

I would say there’s a very good chance both FF and FG will step aside here and abstain, and let Mary Lou form a minority government with the assortment of tree huggers, Independent loons and @Lazarus / @Dziekanowski far left types. It will be some test of her leadership skills to implement the SF platform while keeping that bag of cats contained. One of the biggest challenges is how unknown and untested many of these new TDs are, you would wonder how many Joe Loughnane types are in their midst.


Problem is whatever about other parties not delivering their promises there’s absolutely zero chance Sinn Fein can deliver on their pie in the sky promises. This hasn’t dawned on their voters. It’s like a teacher looking for good grades and allowing the kids to Take a vote on whether they get homework or not.

I think @Dziekanowski is writing the blueprint for FF’s path back to dominance.

“Micheal Martin, your party bankrupted the country”.
“No we didn’t, who are Fianna Fail? We’re the Roberto Baggio Gaels.”
“You were in a cabinet with the corrupt Bertie Ahern and bankrupted the country.”
“I was not. Who is Micheal Martin?”


She’s putting in a fair media shift for FG since yesterday

Sure who could they put out there? Eoghan Murphy??

I wasnt expecting this FG one to say “2 11” and “2 16”.

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There is more than a touch of Lurch about Niall Collins.

Wasnt she only in to replace Maria bailey? She’s banging on as if she’s been a government minister for the last 5 years.

Perhaps instead of lashing out all around them, the right wing consortium of excuses should watch the Doc about RBS thats on BBC 2 right now and come back to us progressives then and tell us all about it then
Edit, here it is as served up by a butler just the way the Haughy wannabes like it

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You bankrupted the country. Who me? Couldn’t be I’m an Italian

The SFers are mad for the BBC on here. Glued to it

What will trump make of the shinners I wonder ?

Depends what his advisors tell him

It’s almost as if the global economic crash and the massive increase in the wealth inequality gap and the global clampdown on workers rights and the massive increase in house prices and rents never happened.

Ssssh, listen to the “sensible people”, and know your place.


Folks, it all points to FF getting fucked a bit. If they stay out, they’re fucked and an irrelevance next time. If they go in with SF and it goes badly they are fucked. If they go in with SF and it goes well SF get the credit.
Is there any sense in them going for the dreaded confidence and supply again with the coalition of the left? Say that the country looked for it so they’ll support it but then hope it falls apart in the way that it probably would. Then pick up the pieces after with a bit of ‘we told you so.’

RTÉ’s coverage has indeed been excellent. Well worth your license fee for that alone.

The capitalist pig cabal are mad for giving failing banks and vulture funds zillions and lash out at the very mention of improved working conditions for nurses and carers


Staying well away is a no-brainer here for FFG. FF will be under more pressure both externally and internally to go in though.

Are you KillianM2?