General Election 2020 Part 2

The national herd is under threat

I might be in Britain but my heart is in Ireland

No it is not. Farmers need to reduce emissions through other methods such as proper slurry management & perhaps seaweed additives etc.

Organic farming is where the money is now.

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The national herd I was referring to is god fearing FF voters

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Spin Fein must be expecting an election soon.

Probably not but Mary Lou might sanction a kneecapping

Leo, Leo Leo


Did the Greens get their 7% reduction in everything that’s bad for us?

7% is what Ireland signed up to in Paris

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That wasn’t a factor during these negotiations. Did they get their redline issue in the programme for government or not?

Pretend seething


Does that mean I can burn more rubbish if someone else stops? Just to compensate like

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I don’t get you.

You are implying that the 7% reductions is a green party demand when in fact it’s what the state signed up to in Paris

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Champ will be saying Novenas that the Greens ratify the deal if it falls down they will be heading for around 15 - 20 seats in an election based on those numbers.

Who were the idiots saying Ireland handled Covid 19 badly.

One idiot in particular.

Neasa Hourigan and Catherine Martins husband abstain in GP parliamentary party vote on PFG. Not a great start

66.66666% of members needed to ratify isn’t it ???

A big ask ??

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