General Election 2020 Part 2

Patrick Costello also. He’s probably not surprising. Would have thought there would have been enough to carry the others, Hourigan being on the negotiating team and Duffy with the obvious link too. I think they’ll get it through the membership though - the big demands are all in there.

Fucking hell. Varadkar is like the undead.

75% approval rating. He saved Ireland from Brexit and Covid. And he’s done what it takes to give the country a government in a time when no one else was willing or able to do so.

He might very well be Ireland’s greatest leader.


Tactical ??? Doubting Thomas’ initially but will come around eventually , bringing certain members .?

Selflessly grasped the nettle in a time of crisis and stands aside when he is at his most popular.

A good bloke is Leo.


Well it’s encouraging that one of the main negotiators is of such strong conviction that she doesn’t know if she’s for or against it. Ballsy.


Pearse Doherty has destroyed all comers tonight… give that man the party please.


Its very strange that Leo would allow Martin to be Taoiseach when he is clearly way more popular

it’s gonna be a shit show for a couple of years. FF also had more seats.

The seethe in the replies to that is beautiful

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I think Leo might leave politics in 6 months time.

He has pretty much done it al in politics and I’d imagine he’d have a queue of offers from Europe and other places.

Nah. It caused a fair bit of consternation.

Doctor Leo had to learn from salad bowl man that this is not an acceptable family meal for the Irish state to be signing off on

She negotiated the PFG so she clearly understands in detail what’s in it.

I would have thought she would have arrived at a view whether it was a good deal (and voted for it) or a bad deal (and voted against it)

But to abstain…

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Is she one of the oddball lefties they let in? They’d rather not govern if they can’t do green properly.

Name me a greater Taoiseach than Leo.

Unreal. Stepping aside as the virus is sorted with record levels of support.

Spin Fein must be seething tonight.

What’s changed? What is Leo’s legacy?

A lot of people should be adding Leo in their prayers tonight