It does appear as if you have indeed shit yourself.
Come back to us, let us help.
It does appear as if you have indeed shit yourself.
Come back to us, let us help.
You’re like Man City on that bus … hiding under their seats.
I’m zen. Let us help you.
But the people wanted change and SF won the election I thought?
I cant help you with your thoughts mate.
We want change.
There it is.
Its not enough change. We want more change.
But we gave you the power to influence change.
Nah, come back to us again.
Oh, ok.
O’Toole must regret that the Travelling Wilbury’s esque party he was looking to start with Dunphy, Shane Ross and Donal Og Cusack weren’t around to effect change
This stuff is embarrassing
I agree with @ChairmanDan which is a sobering thought. When do we get white smoke on the actual decision lads cc @Rocko @Little_Lord_Fauntleroy
Ask him “what he thinks of homelessness “
I would think Mr Ruffalo thinks it is a bad thing
The younger members of the Green Party seem to be having a bit of trouble with what the party is about
Asking him what he thinks of Slaintecare is also a strange comment. Was that not agreed across the board by all parties?
I think Saoirse expects him to entirely take over the running of the country
Tweedledee and Tweedledum badly rattled
She “didn’t watch the video”, maybe he addressed it?
It’s a childish enough Tweet, she is cracked and acting way above her station, driven on by social media and the Irish Times giving her so much profile.
I went off Saoirse once I heard she was livijg on Achill. Now I just see her as a stuck-up elitist. She’s loving it on her fantasy island and she’s trying to drive the rest of us into a horrible way of life and stopping us from having the same standard of living that she does.
I’m must admit, I’ve never heard of this wan. Who is she?