General Election 2020 Part 2

Whoops forgot to log out and back as Julio there. Nothing to see here folks

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FF 38 by the skin of their teeth I reckon

FF really struggled in Dublin

I make out that they will have 5 seats in Dublin (possibly 6 with Haughey) vs 10 for each of SF and FG. Even those 5 were hard won where FG left one behind in DunL and they won the last seat in Dub N-W and Dub Bay South.

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The misogynists on here are livid
 @carryharry et al eont have a woman Taoiseach.

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Mate, SF’s vote is a coalition of those wanting tax breaks and public spending.

And Republicans.

They can only survive by becoming FF.

And so long as the dinosaurs are in the party, you’ll never get the United Ireland the puppeteers want.

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Celtic Symphony. :smile:

Mary Lou buried Catriona Perry

Oooooh ah SamaRAs
Say ooooh ah SamaRAs

Joe Behan IND (former FF) could be moving into contention to challenge in Wicklow. Pat Casey FF next to be eliminated but Casey could transfer well to Behan and bump him up the order. If he got ahead of Donnelly, that would put the cat among the pigeons massively. Matthews Green in a decent position but not safe yet.

Quota: 11887

2 Whitmore SOC DEM 11145
3 Harris FG 9545
4 Matthews GREEN 7713
5 Donnelly FF 6301
6 Doyle FG 5943
7 Behan IND 5690
8 Timmins FG 5429
9 Casey FF 5323

Like FFG, the dinosaurs will die off.

This is just the beginning of a new dawn.

The establishment lackies only interested in profit and their little empires have been sent packing.

It was a genius move from the shadowy figures in Belfast to feminise Sinn FĂ©in via the appointment of McDonald and O’Neill to the leadership positions. Not only that but choosing so many successful female candidates all around the country - Dublin, Kildare, Carlow/Kilkenny, Longford/Westmeath, Clare, Cavan/Monaghan, Galway, Roscommon etc etc has inspired a new breed of inclusive patriots.


Thank you.

Guess whos takin over

The I

The I



 Many of the big players had to step back and feign a bit of disgust to make the move look like a coincidence and not deliberate
 A master stroke you’d have to say and it all came together when the two boys started mansplaining to Mary Lou during the debate
 A trap laid almost 3 years ago.

Will you get another visa in Canada?

I have one already

Welcome to nine and a quarter years ago when Fianna Fail were in power.

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I hope it works out bro.

I make it that Fianna Fail will have just five female TDs. Murnane O’Connor (Carlow KK), Smyth (Cavan Monaghan), Rabbitte (Galway East), Foley (Kerry) and Butler (Waterford).

Im not goin anywhere yet bro. Gonna tool up for civil war 2.0