General Election 2020 Part 2

This whole affair will become known as CowenGate


You don’t recall the previous Cowengate?

No. I thought i was after coming up with a nice one. Shit!

The painting of Cowen

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Poor auld Darcy shat the togs the same day. :grinning_face_with_smiling_eyes:

Jaysis. I forgot about that. I assumed you were referring to the time he came on Morning Ireland scooped.

Cowengate 2: The Cowengatening

I heard some scandalous gossip this evening about the next thing they’ll throw at Barry. If true, he wont be surviving it. Either way, FF are truly feral in how they are going about this government business. A bunch of golems fighting over the treasure.


Watching FF destroy themselves will be fascinating

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PM please

Who is that about?

Someone really has it in for Barry

He hasn’t a prayer of winning that one in court.

He would have been far better served keeping his mouth shut.

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He is accusing the police of lying?

Leaking info & breaching GDPR.

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Seems they only charged him with drink driving even though trying to evade a checkpoint is a separate offence. Because they noted the latter but didn’t charge him for it, and because it’s been leaked to the media, I guess he’s using the argument that they would have charged him for it if it happened. Only adding fuel to the fire really.

When in a hole …