General Election 2020 Part 2

What age is Coveney? He looks well in his 60s in that photo?

Arguably because the national security element that comes with the defence portfolio

Either that or itā€™s a loreal moment

Heā€™s aged something terrible during lockdown. Saw a bit of the post cabinet meeting press conference he did alongside Martin and Donnelly last week and remarked that he looked like a pensioner. Heā€™s gone more baldy and the bits of hair at the side are completely grey.


The pressure got to him, he couldnā€™t hack it

His hair got caught on the underside of the bed.

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They all use to get a car and a driver but that was stopped after the outrage when it was shown all the ministers heading up to the park in their individual cars when the recession hit. So Kenny in his first government as leader got rid of all the cars and drivers for the ministers except the Taoiseach, Tainiste and Minister for Justice.

This is just Coveney being a diva now that he is no longer Tainiste.


There is an unmerciful sense of entitlement in the Irish political class .


Says the Jackie Healy Rae superfan.

All politics is local ---- Politics has no place at the table when it comes to running a country.

JHR superfan ???

Paschal Donohoe sticks it to some Spanish no-mark for the Presidency of some European meaningless quango. Weā€™ll never see a poor day again. The SFA to be paid bi-annually. Huzzahā€¦

Our best day since Sonia won in Helsinki.

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Time for Monty Burns to grow a pair of balls and ground international flights.

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Weā€™re not here to take part.,ā€¦

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Barry has really pissed someone off.

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The pro choice crowd will be all over him now too

Ah lads :grinning:

The greens. A pro greyhound agriculture minister is not a good look.

Cowen out.