General Election 2020 Part 2

As much as I canā€™t stand them, FF are box office in fairness

One brother widely regarded as one of the worst Minister for Finance and Taoiseach/Taoisigh the country has ever had, the other brother sacked as Minister for Agriculture after a couple of weeks over a drink driving conviction coming to light.

Mind you, Barry Cowen will romp home at the next election with a quota and a half.

They gave their country some service.

Youā€™d wonder would all those cunts in FF that publicly sniped away at Martin - some ape in West Cork, that tool Willie Oā€™Dea and some with actual ministerial potential - be regretting now towing the party line for another few weeks as thereā€™s a job available now?

Surely someone with a junior ministry moves up now? Or will he catapult in someone from the cold?

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All we need is for Niall Collins to get the gig and revenge for 94 will be complete


Thomas Byrne was the only one who knew there was a job coming up and he stayed schtumm



Any excuse :smiley:

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Giving him a ministry would be revenge on the entire country

Youā€™re dead to me

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That cark Martin is some piece of work.

Doesnt give a bollocks once he has power for 18 months or whatever,

All a side show anyway to be honest, just as well the Germans sign off our budgets, that Dail is only a pack of county councillers for the most part.


Lovely stuff Art :ok_hand:

Youā€™re dead to me too

Oh Iā€™d say they are climbing over each other in FF now for the job.


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Only after a few bars of Pontrachairn

Thereā€™ll be some maneuvering behind the scenes, trying to find out who has the least dirt on them

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I presume itā€™ll be an ffer thatā€™ll get the gig?

Another TD in Cark south central, id say Mike

Hopefully he gives Agriculture to the Greens.