General Election 2020 Part 2

Step forward Mary Butler.

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That would mean an immediate reshuffle in government. Its obvious that the ministries were divied up before the ministries were announced. It’ll be an ffer

Jackie Cahill is the only qualified man for the job now.

The FFers are some men for pulling U-turns

Worse than Bojo himself

Laois won’t get a say, Offaly has always looked after the Cowens

I’d say dev og and McGuiness are laughing their holes off tonight.

Cowen drives an Insignia, enough said

That’s probably the drink driving car.

Charlie Mcconalogue might get a promotion.

He’s the former FF spokesperson for agriculture.

He could be the luckiest man in the Dail - he only got junior minister in Justice because both Jim O’Callaghan and Joe McHugh turned it down. Imagine if he makes minister on the back of this.

Would be a good geographical pick plus the plain fact he should be good at the brief.
Martin could issue a junior ministry then to another Western TD to that.

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Politics is so 19th century… All this on the tax payers time and money. Pathetic.

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Cowen did a u turn to avoid a check point (with drink in him and on a provo). He’s no fool.

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Champ would want to tread carefully. There’s only 19 votes needed to topple him. The likes of McGuinness, O’Cuiv, Little Willie, Jackie Cahill, Marc MacSharry and Cowen would have been gunning for him for a long way back.

McGrath and Darragh O’Brien may be in Cabinet would be no fans. Calleary obviously as well. Niall Collins too after his fall from grace and Moynihan down in Cork North West who thinks he should be a Minister. Big Jim as well. Thomas Byrne a loyal servant who would have been expecting cabinet and passed over.

Likes of Mary Butler in a secret ballot, I would suspect might not be all that reliable for him either. As was shown with the Eddie Mulligan business in Waterford, not a lady to be messed with. Anne Rabbitte was tipped for Cabinet too as the female representative after been in the negotiating team, then gets passed over for first time TD, Norma Foley. That’s 14 or 15 straight off the top of my head, who’s be anti Champ/have a grudge or mightn’t be too reliable when push comes to shove.

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Dont forget John McGuinness

Sorry, Oversight. thought I has put him down first name. McGuinness is the single biggest thorn in Champ’s side in the parliamentary party. It wouldn’t take a whole lot to topple him.

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McGuinness would knife him in a church and smile at him

To what end though? Surely they topple Martin and they topple the government

It’s Fianna Fáil. Heaves against the leader is part of their DNA.