General Election 2020 Part 2

You seem to know a lot about it for a Tan.

Maybe. Don’t see them giving up this power and potentially causing an election too easy. How many of those you named would be guaranteed their seat again if they helped blow up the government in the current circumstances

As an Eire resident, I do keep an eye on what the Micks get up to.

Fianna FĂĄil changing their leader is an internal party matter surely? That would hardly necessitate a collapse of a coalition government.

They’re caught between a rock and a hard place at the moment. Theyre was /is a lot over unrest over gettun6into bec with fg. Theres plenty of them in there who’d take their chances of coalescing with sf

Do you think Leo sit back and play 2nd fiddle to some other goon? I’d say it would collapse in days. All corners would see the chance to end FF

I think they’re finished, core voters are dying out.

Martin is an extremely poor leader and they’ve fuck all else to challenge him, in terms of front bench quality, they’ve nothing of note. The heart of the party was torn out in 2011.

Where their votes go in the next election will be interesting.

Wouldn’t disagree with that at all. The old school are still trying g to run the party and as you say the talent isn’t there to take them up the way they need to go.

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Less of the racist terms please

No more of that.

The Thomas Cowen Affair was another one doing the rounds.

The total clown affair would be more apt

Alan Kelly going at now all guns blazing and last week he voted with the government so that Cowen wouldn’t have to answer any questions.

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He should have told Martin to Fuck off.

It gets better Jack Chambers is the new chief whip. :joy: :joy: :joy: :joy:

Calleary looks like a trout so that portfolio is an appropriate brief.


That’s his smile. :slight_smile:

Laois 1
Offaly 0