General Election 2020 Part 2

there are 159 others like him.

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Obviously collective cabinet responsibility is an alien concept to you

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Feel and Fall are great entertainment all the same.

Bad decisions were made. Iā€™m not sure any other government would have done any better. Martin has demonstrated that he has some integrity and decency on a few occasions and is one of very few politicians that you can genuinely say has had a lasting positive legacy. Itā€™s a pity that much of his party is made up of backward fuckwits and shysters. I still think he is a genuine guy, Iā€™d have him ahead of varadkar any day.

Were they always a bit like this fagan or would it have been a tighter ship? This is an incredible shit show of an implosion over last few weeks. Really exposes if there was any doubt that lads are completely in it for themselves. No mention whatsoever of party or policies in any of the tantrums being thrown.

Wasnt Martin involved in the survivors of institutional abuse scandal? -

He did his best to uncover, released records, was then moved out of education and whatever gobshite replaced him agreed that deal with the church on compensation.

I agree WRT leo but thatā€™s hardly a ringing endorsement.

If he didnā€™t know what his FF colleagues were up to he shouldā€™ve and his dithering and delaying by ordering reports rather than taking decisive action is well known.

Heā€™ll get kudos for the smoking ban but thereā€™s plenty in the negative column including going into this govt just so he wouldnā€™t be the only FF non taoiseach speaks volumes

Michael woods, an utter cunt who the dail sat for specifically to ensure he got the max pension. Which Martin didnā€™t vote against.

Whenever you meet lads involved in FF they are nearly always decent craic and far sounder than the lads involved in FG, who are predominantly cunts.

Why was the money in his wifes bank account that time?

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Jack Chambers looks like wild craic alright

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Why was he taking money from property developers?

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IRA/SF donā€™t recognise the State apparently, so it might be just an IRA/SF supporters mindset.

The Greens have set themselves up to be wiped out by FF once more. Itā€™s incredible really.

The greens have set themselves up to implement policies to make Ireland a cleaner greener and better place to live.

Thatā€™s the point of the Greens. Party politics shouldnā€™t come into it


Sadly this is ireland

Norma Foley is the new Mary Mitchell-Oā€™Connor.

Ah here, thatā€™s most unfair until Norma drives her car down the plinth of Leinster House.