General Election 2020 Part 2

Anyone able to paste this up?

Top negotiating by the Cork lad at the EU

We will be a net contributor to COVID bail out grants/loans

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Christ almighty

I’d say the Sunday times will deliver the coup de grace tomorrow

What would insurance be for a lad on a provisional with a drunk driving conviction. Be hard got i imagine.

The quotedevil always gives one hell of a quote

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Mick Lowry is some WUM. :joy:


Was a cracker of a clamping.

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Lowry is The Godfather of Irish politics.

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Gets my No1 for that dig

Sunday times with more on biffo

I’d say it’s fairly clear what happened here.

He was after a few pints and was spooked when he saw the checkpoint so he decided to turn off into the estate. The Guards spotted him and followed.

The boys in blue probably got just as big a shock when they realised they’d nabbed a sitting TD. Probably tried to do him a favour by leaving the attempting to evade the checkpoint part out of the charge sheet. Bag him for being marginally over the limit and leave it at that.

All parties were happy to let things lie until B Tyrne TD blabbed to the Indo years later and it all came out.

I’d love to know who was in the car with him when he was stopped. A decent chance it was a former Taoiseach, I’d say…


Hes Golden (yes that one too)

In fairness he was caught and was banned as per law, the charge didn’t go missing. Dont see why the media made such a big deal when there’s worse going on atm

I love when papers slow roll a story. Let the ape tie himself in knots then at each stage. It’s beautiful to watch

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Enda Kenny?

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A mess that was magnified by the fact that there was fuck all else happening news wise bar Corona, the fact that Cowen is a stubborn old cunt, his brother and the fact that there was ffers who wanted a seat at the trough.
A perfect storm.

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Maybe Garrett Fitzgerald. He gets home from the pub earlier if he uses the carpool lane.

Don’t get me wrong drink driving is incredibly selfish but it would be a scandle if the charges were buried. Bigger issues like the cancer screenings that aren’t taking place, banks charging interest on mortgage freezes, people still paying rent on 350 per week with no guarantee of when they can return to work and as I alluded to on the covid tread, the caddy on of Eamonn Ryan. Rte and DOB have the irish public for mugs with the “Free media”

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