General Election 2020 Part 2

The likes of Murphy and Varadkar have demonstrated time and again that they have no empathy for the less well off in society. Murphy in particular tried to false figures to sweep issues under the rug on a number of occasions. In general, FG demonstrated a complete lack of awareness of the issues affecting people or any care to address them. I think that makes them cunts.

And the confederacy :joy:

Iā€™ve just signed up there for a Emmet Kirwan seminar in March - only 25 euro for the day and he will be giving talks on solidarity and political issues of the day.


It was easy get a house when everybody was emigrating to be fair. Life expectancy has increased dramatically in recent decades

A whole generation of 20/30 somethings have become slaves to the system ā€¦

Is he? I donā€™t recall such but then again I donā€™t make a point of reading his posts. The only thing I know about him is that he isnā€™t very smart, but supporters of all parties and all politics have those to a greater or lesser extent.

There are some Trump comparisons to be had with Sinn Fein in terms of modus operandi, ie. the paranoid, cult-like reaction of a lot of their supporters when awkward questions are raised, but the actual substance of their politics bears no relation whatsoever. Itā€™s populism but itā€™s an entirely different strain of populism and the central theme of it is not just legitimate, but an imperative.

Iā€™m not comparing Fine Gael to Trump but their actual economic politics is much more similar to him than Sinn Feinā€™s is and there is a strain of Fine Gael and Fianna Fail supporter who is very favourably disposed towards that sort of populist, hateful nonsense when they see it done in another setting.

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I agree with all that, thatā€™s why I find it amusing

Absolutely, by 1.4% to their nearest rival and 3% of the 3rd placed party. Utter domination.


I have been recently listening to this bloke.

Refreshing to listen to a smart, article, learned individual for once.

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We might have been sold a bogey with this Jennifer Carroll MacNeill one as well.

Betteridges law of headlines.

Your point stands, but If you look where the SF transfers went it shows another side to this tho.

On a 32 county basis I think he meant




Did you go to the hassle of creating a spreadsheet to make that shit a point :joy::joy::joy:


Chairman dan/sid seething. Fantastic to see.

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Rich Boy Barrett has ruled out a left coalition.

Never a truer word, completely fucked over by FF FG and Dublin Press.