General Election 2020 Part 2

Lads ye may have been mugged off by this one



Well heā€™s fundamentally wrong on many issues, funny to see the left embrace fake newz so heartily of late.

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Morning Ireland introduced them as economists. But then, you think the only economists that count are the ones that agree with your outlook.

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Himself and Coleman have not taken the result of this election to well. Coleman was seething on Sunday didnā€™t even want to talk about the exit poll. :slight_smile:

Itā€™s fascinating to watch the lads who laugh at Trump and Brexit fall into the same populist hole and refuse to see it.


There you are replying to a point no one made again. The discussion was on whether he is a cunt, not on whether you subjectively thing he may be wrong on certain things.

For what itā€™s worth, he is in touch with swathes of modern Ireland that you canā€™t understand. Heā€™s also a young actor and writer having some success. He should be celebrated for that alone really but heā€™d be too working class for your taste.

Well thatā€™s what I heard on MI, can you point to the other economists?

Orla Hegarty is an architect
Birr is a housing lecturer and good mate of Eoin Oā€™Broin

Neither have economic degrees afaik, not that their voices shouldnā€™t be heard.

I donā€™t know whether heā€™s a cunt but I find him painful to listen to and the points he was making did not tally with the reasons people voted for Sinn Fein going by the Exit Poll

Thereā€™s a great bite to the forum today. Mary Lou MacDonald is, ironically, living rent free in the landlord classes heads


The rate of home ownership in this country is not a universally positive thing. House prices were out of control before the crash. Now theyā€™ve returned to prohibitively high levels, and the difference now is that rents are out of control too. The market did nothing for ten years after the crash and the state took an ideological decision to do nothing. Yet hotels are being built left, right and centre. People are right to be pissed off because all Fine Gael is offering them is being hamsters on a wheel. People are barely hanging on now. Thatā€™s all young people see - a future of barely hanging on.

Didnā€™t some prominent Fine Gael supporters on this forum enthusiastically support Trump? Is that still the case? The Trump reference seems to acknowledge that Trump has been a disaster.

Some prominent Sinn Fein supporters on the board support Trump too

Do they? Who are they?

@Watchyourtoes Its probably just him tbf, I just find it funny

Well you happily call FGers cunts and buy into the notion that they just donā€™t care.

I mean you might not agree with Eoghan Murphyā€™s policies for example, but what makes him a cunt? His beard? His accent?

People I guess are trailing your behaviour but on the other side.

Me personally, I think all Sinn FĆ©iners are cunts. Not because of their policies, but because of what they defend and turn a blind eye to.

I think Paul Murphy is a cunt, but so do most real left wingers.

I donā€™t have a problem with the likes of Richard Boys Barrett despite not agreeing with his politics at all. Iā€™d have never called the likes of Joe Higgins a cunt either.

For a person who prides themselves as being virtuous and more empathetic than others, you have a strange flip flop approach to human relations.


Iā€™ve no idea who @Watchyourtoes supports in Irish politics, I donā€™t recall him making any substantial contributions on the subject and I donā€™t consider him to be a serious poster on any matter.

:rofl: theyā€™re hiding

Heā€™s a massive supporter of Sinn Fein, you must have blocked it out/ignored it

Anybody seen @anon67715551?

Doctoring the homeless figures to make it look like the numbers were falling a week before the election was a cuntish thing to do.


You canā€™t be homeless if youā€™ve been hospitalized by a JCB
