General Election 2020 Part 2

He wouldnā€™t last on TFK.

A Ford Escort or the kind of escort that @hbv required to get a ride ?

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Never even saw that angle. Beautifully done @carryharry. And fair play @caulifloweredneanderthal for using your knowledge of that world to highlight it for us.

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I knew a few lads who kept vintage ford escorts pal. Iā€™ll check if BC was in their club, but Iā€™d doubt it on a provo.

Poor due diligence from Connors and/or his agent in not performing some research into The National Party and the types who follow them prior to speaking at that protest.


He knew well who they were. Sure he tried distance himself from them from the start saying he wasnā€™t there representing anyone but himself. Iā€™m fairly sure he mentioned the same in his rant/speech that day.

I donā€™t know if iā€™d call going down conspiracy rabbit holes and sharing a stage with a bunch of lunatics a mental health issue either. Misguided yes and toxic for his career most certainly. Iā€™d say a lot of his anger stemmed from a fawning media turning on him for his views on the abortion referendum. His career was flying it up till then and Iā€™m sure he felt bitter about the way he thinks he was treated after which led to this current debacle.


Iā€™d feel sorry for him alright in the sense that he seemed to be losing his shit over the supposed issue. You could see he seething.

Never a good time to go online making statements when your dander is up tbf, but at least he has apologised now.
It was a disgraceful attack on the TD in question & being affiliated with those Oughterard cunts is fair bad too.

Lest we forget about this.

Thatā€™s 100pc what it was Iā€™d say. Made zero sense for a traveller to go in with the far right ffs. It was real enemy of my enemy is my friend stuff.

As for mental health issues Iā€™ve heard him speak about them in a good few podcasts or interviews over the years. Fairly sure he found his father after he committed suicide and has spoken about he took abuse for years from other travellers about how he was only half a man because he had no father. Heā€™s a very interesting character I reckon if not exactly likeable. Could have easily just been the token lefty traveller in the arts scene. Has serious anger in him and chip in his shoulder though and will follow his own path and say what he thinks even if it ends up endearing him to almost no one. Hell probably turn out alright in the end with a bit more life experience and bit more perspective
He was actually meant to be an excellent boxer as a kid but went off rails a bit. I knew a fella who coached him.

Connors posts on Aldi two years ago makes it hard for me to ever really think the chap as decent. He got away with that as it appealed to people unprepared to call for outright revolution, but to keep quiet on those that do.

That was scumbaggery 101.

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This one?

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Yup. Was a disgusting tweet in my opinion. Got a lot of tacit support at the time.

You cant be going on this crusade. Youā€™ll wake up all the woke lads round here

Very hard for him to be ā€˜decentā€™ in the way weā€™d see it. Obviously the likes of you or me would never make that tweet but we would have unbelievably different life experiences with regards to guards and probably almost every other thing than someone like Connors. I could easily see why heā€™d tweet that even if donā€™t agree with it.

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He needs someone to go back and delete hes old tweets before a Ewan still account pops up

I think itā€™s fairly safe to say that the chap does suffer from mental health issues. I think he even spoke about it prior to this. That said a lot of people in the country suffer from mental health issues and donā€™t become far right racists, particularly when a member of a minority themselves.
At least heā€™s apologised. But I would wonder was it for career purposes.
A very strange incident all round

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I think he has a new film doc coming out.