General Election 2020 Part 2

Any data yet on where transfers went by party?

Same proportion of SF voters said they voted for tax cuts and less spending on public services. They are as selfish as FG voters once somebody else pays.


Havenā€™t seen any yet

Thanks - neither have I. I think that will be interesting because itā€™s likely to have changed quite a bit from prev elections youā€™d imagine.

How is Emmet Kirwan wrong?

When has it ever been any different? Certain sections of society have always been ā€œhamsters at the wheelā€.

Iā€™d argue the only time it was ever different was when we had the false economy under fine fail and everyone thought they had money. That didnt end well.

Sinn Fein will create a false economy. Everyone will think they have money, give it 10 years and weā€™ll be back to a post Celtic tiger depression

Youā€™re the lad who was ridiculing postrrs unless they provided cvs for economists a couple of days ago.

  • thatā€™s such a blinkered view and of the iā€™m ok jack variety ā€¦ for shame. Thereā€™s great resilience in people paying 1500 -2000k a month in rent for a shoe box. For people driving hours to and from workā€¦ throwing money at childcareā€¦ and these are the lucky people. Opportunities are there for young people but the means to acquire the basics has become way harder, particularly for the kids of working class people.

But do, write them all off as weak and snowflakes.


Ah its alright.

It was different when my parents paid 9k for a house in a reasonably OK area of Dublin in 1977 and had the mortgage paid off by 1997 paying 70 quid a month on one modest enough salary for the majority of that time.

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These stats totally go against the accusation that Sinn Fein voters are all dolers.

Same? They dominated, DOMINATED the people wanting tax breaks over increased services chart. Greedy self serving cunts.

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Thankfully it worked out superbly for Malcolm Noonan here, he got great transfers from SF and colossal from Adrienne Wallace (PBP) but Iā€™d argue they were on the back of repeal.

But proves completely they are populists.

They are not all dolers. They are FF in camoflage. Itā€™s why they could be so big - they are all things to all men in what they promise. Pay less tax, more houses, better health system, more social welfare. Big business/the rich will pay for it all.

Delivering it will be the harder part.

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Sinn Fein are populists to a large extent but it doesnā€™t necessarily mean they arenā€™t right on a hell of a lot of things.

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Incorrect. Tax cuts for individuals and an increase in public spending are not mutually exclusive.

Itā€™s why a lot of people want to see them govern. To see if they can deliver. If they can it will be a great country but a large number of people are sceptical that it can be done but they do deserve the chance to try.

What they will probably find in government is that choices are needed and stuff needs to be prioritised and that the State and all its apparatus is not that nimble so even with the best intentions and good planning it takes time to change things and the electorate donā€™t allow that grace period. But maybe this time it will be different and they can get better and faster results.

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Have a read of the question asked a few more times
