General Election 2020 Part 2

It wasnt a criticism of their point, more an establishment of fact. Fianna Fail also tried somewhat to manipulate the figures by stating their totals, but the caveat was it was on top of already existing spending which made their end result huge at minimal cost, without really stating it was a combination of existing proposals as well as their own, their only caveat was saying “an additinal €6.5b” in their overall manifesto, not directly in the housing manifesto. Fine Gael also manipulated their “25,000” houses built per year, when it incorporated private dwellings and developments as well as refurbished homes back on the market. They all do it, I just think it should be clear as to where their figures really are. No more, no less.

I’ve no particular issue with Sinn Fein doing this, it’s what politics is. A load of bluster and false promises. I dont believe their plan is any more credible than any others nor do I believe it is any way more achievable. At no point in their manifesto do they state the 100,000 is inclusive of the National Development Plan, which to me is a bit misleading. Considering housing was the main point of the Sinn Fein vote, I think it should just be clarified properly. I also believe that their proposed figures are vastly off. That is, if they believe they can build 50,000 for €6.5b which works out at €130,000 per unit. That is extremely low, even allowing for utilising public land or getting better tax breaks etc, but €130,000 per unit would only just about build something, if even that, never mind all the other costs associated with development. Some of their proposals are merited and well thought. However there is a flip side that they want to remove the first time buyers grant which would eliminate a large proportion of people who currently take this up, particularly in one off housing. Replacing it only with “affordable housing” would need to be detailed more. Will their be criteria to be eligible for affordable housing or is it just #gaffsforall

As a small side note, you had a go at @tallback last week when he mentioned an academic spoke about figures, yet here you say “some economist lad” and that is considered more correct than what the “academic” said last week? Whoever was on morning Ireland this morning would have their own opinion and it surely is as equal as the one tallback quoted. Everyone has their own opinion on this. I would absolutely disagree that their housing proposal is well costed. I think it is miles off.

If Sinn Fein do get their housing proposal through government and by the end of 2025 they have built 100,000 houses, then I think they will never be out of government in our lifetime. I believe the chances of it are between slim and none, but if nothing else, they should be provided with the opportunity to try implement it and get it working.


Isn’t the problem with another election that the seats than SF would gain no doubt would largely be at the expense of other left candidates so they would just have the same issue as now where they don’t have enough for a government without FF/FG?

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Some of the things I remember:

  • Saying people voted against tax cuts when the exit poll would suggest its more complex than that as per the post above
  • Suggesting people voted on some sort of political ideological basis when the exit poll data and the journalist in the studio suggested it was likely a more pragmatic basis
  • telling a FG politician that “you stayed up 3 nights to fix the banks” when it was FF in charge and somehow intimating in any event that an all-nighter could solve the problem
  • Having to backtrack about politicians with opposing views to him having empathy

I actually think its good that there are more types like Emmet Kirwan on programs like Claire Byrne. I think his way of arguing was cliched Student Union stuff “Hegemony of the blah blah blah” and he’s some man for a well-rehearsed long word to make an argument sound more intellectual. But it certainly stimulates debate and the section between him and Neale Richmond was a lot differerent to some of the other analysis over the weekend with the usual suspects.


Correct … the fact this is being over looked says a lot. The family unit is not the same any more — Both parents HAVE to work these days - or in most cases they do anyway. Kids shipped off for most of the day. Parents under all kinds of pressure … you wonder where obesity comes from then when tired parents are throwing together ready meals or giving kids money, why in turn kids are being more anti social and suffering poor mental health and on and on… but shur - snowflakes etc. etc.

Dreadful parenting. You wouldn’t see us tolerating that shite in the fathers thread.


Of course they aren’t : government cab borrow money

@Dziekanowski Smart enough not to get banned for being a little bitch :laughing:


That is a pertinent point.

You’re an awful scoundrel

We want a more compassionate form of capitalism - and we want it now.




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They’re not mutually exclusive so it was a stupid question.

There are other ways of raising revenue so they don’t have to borrow to increase spending.

Yes, but there’s only so many ATM’s one can rob.

there are a group of posters on here that despise anybody that stands up for the have nots


But it was the question, and thats how SF answered, that more than any other parties voters they would pick tax cuts over helping those in need. Flying in the face if all the bluster about a left wing revolution. The only change they want is more of it in their pockets, at the expense of services. You’ve no way out of this but keep trying.

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They’re introducing a bank tax. Increased revenue, crime levels drop, WINNING.

How are you getting from the second to the third there?

They’re just gonna get it done, ok. The builders will be found.