General Election 2020 Part 2

I dont know. Sinn Fein got in candidates easily in areas where they are completely unknown and complete non entities, and not only go in, but romped home. The people voted for Sinn Fein in their droves. If another election were to happen, Sinn Fein would be foolish not to run additional candidates in certain areas and aim for more seats. I dont think there was enough not voting through apathy who would come out in another election to stop them either.

No martin would need to be got rid of anyway, he doesn’t inspire a vote. Plus as much as they love to shriek about it they got a fairly free ride from the media last time. Next time mary lou would be in every debate, every promise far closer scrutinized

SF are taking over from FF and will eventually consume them. I honestly don’t see a way back for FF now, this was their chance to offer an alternative to FG and the electorate basically laughed at them.

the scrutiny from the media was lazy and the same tire rehashed shit. All about the IRA and the past and very little about what they were promising and their proposals. It is abundantly clear that the voting public, particularly the thousands of younger voters, couldnt give a flying fuck about the links between Sinn Fein and the Ra. If anything, the media drove more people to Sinn Fein by doing this. I’ve every sympathy with Paul Quinns family and what happened him, but I dont think it was really a factor that needed to be made so big at this election.

There will be serious pressure on these to make a name for themselves at constituency level, given that a significant amount got in on a protest vote.

Will there? I dont believe there will. I dont think the vote was for the person or their capabilities of doing something, more so a vote for a change in leadership and direction of the government and policies. I think there will be fuck all pressure locally, but pressure on the party as a whole to deliver.

I think a lot of posters here are tarring the old IRA with the actions of the Provos.

The old IRA were no angels, unless you approve of murdering Protestants in reprisal after hostilities had ceased, or tying your former comrades to landmines and blowing them to bits.

Its impossible to offer an alternative that people can get behind when you’ve been propping up the government for 4 years. If they get rid of Martin and get back to their roots they’ll improve. FG have said they won’t change, there is a place for a party between FG and SF

I believe you will find the latter was committed by the free state, along with burning men alive in barns but that was the atrocities of the civil war.

It’s like when the season ends and transfer silly season takes over

Callaghan probably understands that there are now some pretty fundamental issues with being in a coalition with SF. Such as the Department of Justice. Any other time if there were coalition discussions a senior coalition partner could say to SF you’re not getting Justice and that would be that. But with the numbers the way they are no other party can dictate to SF what they can or can’t have and if they want Justice they can have it.

That would be an appalling vista in fairness for a lot of people and for a lot of people in law enforcement.

Put the ball over the bar and in the back of the net and no more about it.

The former was committed by the IRA after the ceasefire was announced and before the civil war. The fact the worst atrocities were during the civil war hardly excuses it, if anything it makes it worse.

Fundamentally it speaks to the fog of war and how easy it is to make moral judgments from afar.

What’s the specific concerns re Justice? If those concerns are legitimate then surely nobody should go near government with them?

A few seem to be defending free state inaction and intransigence to a conflict they were party to.

MicheĂĄl Martin has made contact with our man ROD.

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@anon61878697 or any of the other IRA/SF supporters - who are the front runners to be Attorney General in an IRA/SF led administration?

Extradition, informers, prison arrangements, policing etc. Not suggesting that these are valid concerns but equally if someone was concerned about them I’d find it hard to fault them.

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If FF went in with SF it’s likely that Jim would lose his seat too