General Election 2020 Part 2

That it isn’t anymore is 100% down to the input of poster @anon7035031. It was quite thoughtful up to that.

Deployment of troops, military intelligence, innocent civilians targeted for murder… In cahoots with sectarian killers, sponsored death squads in the state police force.


OK, you seem to be an extremely fanatical nationalist who buys wholesale into the narrative of the eternal innocence of one side and the eternal evil of another. Although strangely, the Nazis, the one group you’d expect to categorise into the latter category, don’t fall into that category as far as you’re concerned. Bye now.

Some people don’t like the truth. So much so when confronted with it they change aliases frequently.


Having read some of your posts, truth clearly isn’t a big deal for you. Frothing nationalist insanity is more your style.

A truly strange comment from a truly oddball individual.


Christ we had a great couple of weeks with that cunt gone and all. Waster.


I wouldn’t worry about being an oddball, everybody is in their own way. It’s the frothing nationalist insanity and the mitigation of the Nazis you really have to watch out for.

I don’t think anyone here is defending the British involvement

I love when a poster comes into what had been a previously thoughtful thread and posts utter nonsense, and then claims that somebody else is to blame for the thread descending into mayhem.

Fits perfectly into the eternal innocence narrative of frothing nationalism.

It was a bit too late for that mate. The time for using “our powers” was in the period from 1922 to 1969. The reality is we didn’t give a fuck other than claiming NI as “our” territory.

Shades of grey must never be allowed.

This thread has descended to whataboutery now. That’s understandable, it’s a very emotive subject. Especially for those that experienced the troubles.

It is too glib to say that people need to draw a line on the past and not discuss the Troubles or just move on. But as Fagan pointed out earlier, the younger generation don’t have any memory of the troubles. They are looking at “the now” and how the political class has failed them.

The facts are that SF have a mandate to try and form a Government in the Republic. What makes people in FFG and possibly some people in SF’s new electorate uneasy about that is the perception that SF’s leadership really resides in dark smoky rooms in Belfast. And those people have not been elected.

The Irish electorate won’t be patronised by anyone any more. Finally. That’s a good thing. They won’t be patronised by SF and the left either if they don’t deliver.

I’d let SF have a go now and form a Government of the left. FF are dying, their raison d’etre for fifty years has been power for the sake of it. FG are tone deaf to what the electorate want. Let it be a minority Government, give them some space.

The structural issues that have to be addressed in housing and health won’t be solved quickly and certainly not within one Dail term. Those who elected SF need to be aware of that. That doesn’t mean that a new approach shouldn’t be attempted. But it’s going to require a hell of a lot of effort.

Ireland is still living with the consequences of the financial boom and bust. I reckon it will take another couple of elections for this country to be stable.


Take your talk of sense elsewhere square head!

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I’m a semi detatched observer.

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Jim O’Callaghan really hates Sinn Fein. Hard to know if he is making a rod for his own back.

SF have no more mandate than FF or FG numbers or seat wise, yet. I still think SF have maximised their return. Almost everyone who wanted to give them a go at CHANGE came out and voted, many who are just not inspired by FFG didn’t bother voting but they have no faith in SF and might the next time to try keep them out.

Well, FF and FG are more than entitled to try and form a government if they want to do that.

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Would Jim O’Callaghan prefer to be addressed as SC or TD? I suspect the former

Yes, Rainbow a dó. SF, Green, Soc Dems & Labour in a minority government. If FFG don’t want to negotiate government formation with the election victors then they won’t be forgiven unless they stand aside to allow a minority government to be formed.

Whatever happens, SF are proceeding from a position of strength. They need to avoid “up the ra” missteps though to retain their first time voters and to attract even more new ones. They’re not going away. Voting SF is a crossing the rubicon moment and people tend to stick with them once they’ve done it. Next time they’ll be targeting the likes of @caulifloweredneanderthal for a first preference and the base will only grow further.

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