General Election 2020 Part 2

Why would SF want justice. There are enough ministries they want and can have. Basically the way I see it they can’t have justice or foreign affairs and they shouldn’t want them if they had any sense. That probably suits them as they can go after taoiseach’s, and or finance, which is the most important by a long shot anyway.

They can have anything they want.


The department of justice is a bit of a basket case. But basically it’s culture developed out of a defend the state from the IRA at all costs mentality, first during the civil war and later the troubles. It would be a huge culture clash to land in an SF minister. It would also be a massive controversy and examined in excruciating detail from outside. Why would SF want that? It’s not a ministry that’s a major target in their manifesto anyway. FF have a guy everyone expects to be minister for justice, let them have it.

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Why? Presuming they go in with FF, why would they want foreign affairs or justice? In fact presuming they go in with anyone, it wouldn’t make sense to take either for them. They’d be creating a rod for their own backs. And if they want the ministries they need to introduce their policies they should be happy to trade off those two.

SF could pass up Justice and get Defence instead.

I would like SF to get in and rout the Irish injustice system and incestuous little golden circle. White collar crime needs to be addressed, the politicians, CEOs, bankers, solicitors and developers have gotten away with white collar crime for long enough now.


They already have a bigger and better equipped army so I’m not sure they’d be too bothered

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Let the people sing their stories and their songs

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I heard that one. Jim did himself no favours and boxed himself into a cul de sac. He’s an arrogant, self-opinionated bag of wind IMO. Be gas if there was a FF/SF/Green administration, he’d, by his own utterings, have to remain a backbencher. An unctouos arsehole.

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Oglaigh na hEireann is starved of funds and morale is low, what better way to strengthen it than by merging it with Oglaigh na hEireann.

A grand reunification. And the outfits would be ever so stylish.

Ear plugs and balaclavas for everyone

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Sinn Fein are very familiar with fertiliser and slaughtering pigs so the Agriculture portfolio would be perfect for them.


So no evidence then. We currently have full employment although not the employment some people would like granted and a lot of people are doing quite well for themselves. The people who aren’t have voted SF in their droves and well within their right too. There is no guarantee that the economy in this country can’t get any worse under SF. They do deserve their shot at it though so let’s see. I hope to buy a gaff this year so I hope they can make massive improvements in the affordability of houses. I saw nothing in their manifesto that would tackle the shit show that is Health so I won’t be holding my breath on that one.

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I wonder if there is a bit of a power play going on in FF and O’Callaghan is trying to position himself for a run at the leadership? It sounds like he is trying to force Martin’s hand.

Robert Emmett


Ivan Skavinski Skavaar

Doherty, O’Reilly, O’Broin and Carthy are the confirmed SF negotiating team tasked with forming a government.

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There is certainly no evidence that FG or FG can manage the economy. In fact, they have a proven track record of making a hames of it. So SF are in a stronger position having a clean track record so far.

Also, good lucky horsey mate.