General Election 2020 Part 2

No surrender!

They will be well briefed.

There’s been internal tensions within the party since the days of Lemass. These rumblings were suspended for a good few years during Bertie’s leadership but are bubbling away for the last decade. Champ needs to lift his head out of the sand and change tack, and fairly smartly or he will be the 1st leader not to be Taoiseach.
The spectre of Calleary at the helm is fairly horrific but he won’t command enough support.

I’d say O’Callaghan and probably McGuinness would be front runners in any leadership race. The rest of party are knuckle draggers.

McGuinness has ambition alright but he’s too much of a local politician. He wouldn’t command the support necessary

Outside view of Irish economy. A year old now. There may be choppy waters ahead.

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Yeah it was FFs worst ever, and SFs best ever. Who has more seats again?

But FF might now, finally, undergo the counter reformation that should have happened a decade a go. Hamstrung by local favourites and old fashioned thinking i doubt they will.

The problem with leftists and the far left in particular is they believe higher taxes are the answer to everything, and the higher the marginal taxes the better. Forgetting that high earners are the most mobile and can take their skills elsewhere (as can corporations).

Take for example specialists and consultants in the medical field, who already pay 40% income tax in Ireland on salary above 35-44K depending on their status, and 57% if you include other deductions. These people are in high demand globally and Ireland already has a hard time attracting them, but increasing the marginal tax rate will obviously do the trick (and the joy of living in Limerick to seal the deal).

The marginal income tax rates in the US for a single person are: 12% to 39.5K (80K for a married couple), 22% to 84K and 24% to 160K. Where would you go if you had the opportunity? A nice clean modern hospital in the US or the Regional in Limerick?

That’s before getting to the utter stupidity of higher taxes on corporations, both direct through corp tax and individual PRSI over certain salary limits. One of Ireland’s major advantages is how business friendly the place is, lose that and the country will have much bigger problems than 10,000 who can’t afford a house next to where they grew up.

Hopefully SF will be sensible if they get into government and not be swayed by the loons on the left who hate to see anyone be successful or be rewarded for their efforts. Strangely enough the same types have no issue with EPL players getting paid millions for kicking a ball around a field.


FF are putting up Jack Chambers, Niall Collins, Sean Haughey and @anon67715551. The latter is the brains of the operation by a long way.

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Let’s put the session back in recession.

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FF had 19 or 20 seats in 2011 and a good bit less than 20% of the popular vote in 2011 after crashing the economy.


I agree 100%, but as we can see from the victory celebrations and leaked whatsapp messages on this thread, the RA connection is still huge for SF themselves.

The media will learn i feel, no more civil war stuff which the young uns care nothing of and instead test out SFs promises, if shown to be a risk of fantasy that will destroy the economy there mighy be a stir. If leo has any political nous he will hold the next election on a work day. People who work hard all week want to relax on a Saturday, not vote which is no way pleasurable. Id love to see an exit poll on whether voters voted before.

Ps millenials knowledge or lack of re history is actually frightening, and refreshing, if that makes sense

Christ. How the fuck are they in a stronger position? It’s like saying Leitrim are in a strong position to win the AI because they have a clean track record. FF and FGs track record is mixed, some good some bad, but Ireland is hardly Zimbabwe.

Worse expected performance ffs sake the nuance is way beyond sheep like yourself

He previously bemoned the lack of houses, especially as ‘the government has loads of money’

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Justice might be a good ministry from which to implement their policy of abolition of the Special Criminal Court. They could also direct policing policy on the border. Then they could call up all the files from the archive and settle a few old scores.

SF want more taxes but bizarrely 43% of their vote would prioritise less taxes over public spending. I think that 43% weren’t exactly sure what they were voting for.

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So a political party probably cant be left near justice or foreign affairs, for public safety reasons. Sounds normal.

It’s bonkers when you think of the economic damage done that they still got 20 odd people elected.

A Varadkar-esque comment from you there Fagan.