General Election 2020 Part 2

A fucking laptop :joy:


They need to find a Reynolds to run in Longford.

Don’t have figures but the impression is much more Outgoing Females were displaced - that might be just a refection of profile though e.g. Coppinger , Burton et al

Word from the count centre is that Burke is safe and while some of Carrigys transfers are staying in Longford and going to
Flaherty it won’t be enough and Boxer will hold on.

Watching Fine Fail narrowly lose tight battles deep into the count throughout today across the country has almost been as exhilarating as watching Sinn FĂ©in candidates smashing the quotas yesterday. Incredible stuff.


Projections have it 35 outgoing female TDs, 36 incoming with Sinn Fein accounting for 13 I think

If Donnelly was to lose from here, it’d really make the day.


Hopefully a few lads will transition at some stage over the next DĂ il to get it up to 40.

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Likely candidates?

I project Fine Gael will finish on 36, giving them Sligo-Leitrim at FF’s expense. But that one isn’t yet certain. It’s still possible we could have a three way tie on 37, if FG take two in Wicklow.

Id write him another email

Did she run in any consituency or just for Europe/Pres?

She is from the gaeltacht near Macroom so different constituency to Cairns Id say

Completed Status Quo then! Headline grabbers like below misinforms somewhat and is based on profile rather than any gender bias.

On the other hand if SF make a decent fist of being in power the Unionists might come to view them as a great bunch of lads.

Where have you them getting 36?

At 32 now and I see

1 in Sligo Leitrim
1 in Longford Westmeath
1 in Wicklow

Can’t see two in Wicklow now.

Danny Healy Rae would be my first choice but realistically it’d be Jack chambers as the number one contender.

There’s a theory that outgoing female candidates are punished disproportionately heavily by the electorate

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Bit skinny looking. Maybe ok for an Oirish bird.

Locke will knife you

Is it 37 that Fianna Fáil are locked down for as things stand? Hoping for a 2nd in each of Donegal, Sligo/Leitrim and Longford/Westmeath but hopes fading in all three. It’s really Wicklow as their realistic shot to get to 38 and most seats.

Fine Gael locked down on 34, looking good to get to 36 with Sligo/Leitrim and Donegal. Wicklow an outside chance to get to 37.

IRA/SF finished with 37.