General Election 2020 Part 2

Donegal is finished you daftie.

You are suffering from West Brit PTSD,

All these come-from-nowhere candidates are going to be looked at a lot closer now. Wonder what weā€™ll find? :thinking:

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In contrast to what? Timmy fucking Dooley?



General Election 2020 Hub

Current Affairs




ā€œAll changed, changed utterly:ā€

W B Yeats
Ah here @iron_mike

What are you talking about?

That some daft simpleton from Clare was the alternative.

I donā€™t think I suggested he was :man_shrugging:t2:

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The numbers donā€™t work for FF & SF alone now. If they have to bring in a third party anyway, could Leo be persuaded rather than FF I wonder

Not a hope, they are happy to go back into opposition and their base are too West Brit anyway to go near Sinn Fein

No. By all accounts Leo is content to sit in opposition and fire scuds from there

Only one way to settle this, penalties, and youā€™d have to fancy SF in a shootout


No way are FG going in. Leo must go before the party to be reelected. No way will the FGers vote anyone suggesting going into government

Then what on Godā€™s green earth was your point?

FF-SF and a few independents will get the majority required Iā€™d say.

Cullinane minister for justice.

Thereā€™ll be a few more twists in the story yet before a government are elected.

FG would be absolutely insane to go into government with SF as a junior partner. Between a EU economy that is already weak, the impact of Brexit, the impact of the Wuhan virus on global trade, and the prospect of a left wing victory in the US in November, the next 3/4 years could be an absolute shit show.

This will likely be a great time to be in opposition, itā€™s what all three parties would prefer Iā€™d say.


I think they have to make the decision not to participate in a government or have had that decision made for them by the electorate before he goes before the party

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I hadnā€™t even seen the eejit in Waterford saying ā€œUp the Raā€ until now. Jaysus


Thatā€™s minister eejit to you