General Election - Housing Manifestos

In the example I gave above the obvious solution was to build four houses or refurbish stock on hand that unliveable. Both of those cost bigger money short term and that wasn’t available so what happens is bizarre scenarios like the above where short term penny pinching leads to long term overspending.

I’ve no doubt local authorities can be run better and can manage their stock better too.

In my experience of working with local authorities they simply don’t have the capacity to fulfil many of their responsibilities, they don’t have enough staff or expertise. They seemed particularly light at managerial level.

I have a friend that works in the mental health sector and housing / renting is putting serious strain on people and relationships — this aspect is not getting enough air time.

As mentioned elsewhere - kids in temporary housing / shelter / hotel situations are probably gonna be scarred for life. A friend of a fried up in Galway has had to go down the mobile home avenue to try and save … their child is 9 and is ashamed of her life that friends might find out and brings friends around to her grand mother’s house for any play dates… all over the country grand parents are semi raising kids…

Lads will get hell bent talking about the cost of bricks and mortar - but what about the cost of dignity and care of duty to our young childer. @TheUlteriorMotive? @tallback? @carryharry Huh? cat got your tongue?

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and thats exactly it. They end up spending more by doing it as a short term fix. And in a similar manner, any long term fix for LA running their own development and management of stocks needs a long term plan pulling in expertise that is there already in the market and get good quality staff and run their projects in the same manner that a private developed construction contract would operate. That too will take further investment in staff levels in LA’s, but it doesnt seem to be happening. FF were the only ones in their manifesto to take about any sort of labour issues, but if the increase in construction of housing is to happen, they need to be able to fulfill that with builders. And definitely if they are planning on increasing their own state developments, they badly need to increase their staffing levels to cope.

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Of course. “The market” is not going to fix the crisis. The state needs to provide more homes, read own more homes. To do that they need to build and maintain housing and manage it professionally into the long term. The time to start that is now. A general rule with building things is it will never be as cheap to do it as it is now. Capital is currently cheap. It is eminently affordable to start building.

The long term benefit to society of the state having a good and well maintained housing stock would be huge, and not just for the people homes but for everyone.

but to further the point I made and going back to some of the manifestos, most of the parties put forward the 10,000 houses per year that they can promise and some mention the additional cost it would be to do this. However, at current output levels projected of about 2,000 per year, it is barely able to sustain itself, and even as it is, just about getting by. I cannot see how the state has the management and staffing resources to be able to increase this by 5 times the quantity. It absolutely is not achievable in their current set up. And the additional costs they talk about are solely to do with the actual construction as if its as simple as letting a builder off and get it all built and then pay for it. They would need more in house management and construction professionals as well as property management staff increases once it is completed. I have yet to hear anyone talk about this with regards to increasing social/affordable housing built by the state.

As it stands, there is a huge shortage in the market right now for construction professionals on current demand. I cant see how they would fix there staffing levels easy with so many in the private sector who would potentially be on better deals than they’d get in the LA.

At the moment, they are still currently dependant on the private market to provide their housing demands, and that wont change unless they have fundamental change within their LA network.

It’s a full size gaa pitch beside Clontarf dart station. Go on down and have a look if you don’t believe.

Here’s hoping a few of them drag you into the bushes and ride the hole off you

:astonished: :rofl:

Jaysus … they’re homeless, not fucking desperate .


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Fuck sake - i’m lolzing away here to that far more than I should be

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If i don’t believe there’s 50 there when theres 92, maybe 86,in all of dublin? Nah i don’t believe that so no need to check it out you complete simpleton.

And you council estate types get so angry when your stupidity is pointed out. Have you a MacGregor beard on the go?

I have no idea what you are trying to say here but it sounds angry.

I’m after giving you an opportunity to lose your virginity and all you come back with is hostility. I won’t bother in future.

You don’t understand because you’re very slow witted.

You made the claim that theres was 50 people homeless around a pitch, and are now sticking to it, despite the fact its utter bullshit.

Along with your comment on jerry mccabes wife lest not forget. Salt of the earth dubs, what complete wastes of space.

Go down and have a look to prove me wrong. Don’t forget to bring some Vaseline.

Look mate, that’s a disgusting comment. We’re talking about the weakest people in society here and you are pouring more scorn on them by suggesting they would want to ride maroonandshite. Cop on.

Very insensitive of me. I hereby apologise. Those people have been through enough

This poster copied my username, messaged me bizarrely wanting to get to know me and then put me on ignore when i asked him to put forward a few arguments. And after last nights efforts i now see why he shys from arguments. Ah bless

The fuck?

It was fucking weird. I was very wary after he essentially copied my username but i felt i had to emigrate after that unwanted contact #metoo

Would they move on to somewhere they can afford possibly? Do the parents hate their child?

What are talking about? They can’t rent and save. So they’ve elected to not rent so they can save…

They should move them in with them.