General Election - Housing Manifestos

German pensioners scrounging for recyclable bottles in order to pay their rent

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David McWilliams has been phoning it in for a long number of years but he hit the nail on the head the other week. A culture of house ownership creates a divide between house owners and non-house owners. House owners sadly tend to measure their wealth in the market value of their house (even though if it’s a hoome they will likely never realise that value) and therefore when anything comes along that threatens the market value of that house, they will tend to object.

If Eoin O’Broin get in he’ll end up paying over market values in order to secure freeholds (can’t be long term leases at less the price, they’re the enemy) on the many large developments under construction.

The next Ballymun awaits in the likes of Adamstown (where a significant portion is supposed to be Part V Housing as is). There’ll be a distinct lack of culture as SF have no budget for that in their manifesto and the Bernard Shaw crew will he scratching their head as to what went wrong in a decade.

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It’s a fair point, but I’m not sure any political party campaigning on a platform of taking away home ownership from all is going to get very far.

I do think local residents have too much power though. I think it was reference somewhere here - in Ireland we have a system of planning permission i.e. you have to jump through lots of hoops including effectively local residential political power to be allowed build. Maybe it would be better if it was planning compliance i.e. meet the requirements of local planning guidelines and masterplans and then you can drive on and build.

I’d tend to agree. The counter-argument is made that 100% state-owned housing doesn’t need to be all “social housing” but considering the current priorities I don’t see the first batches of state-housing being offered to people not in acute need.

I don’t think I’ve heard a peep from that place since, I bet they handpicked the tenants

Not sure they did. One of them had converted the attic space and made awful structural work within a week of getting the house. I’d say more than anything, people moved in and everyone just got on with their lives. There is an area beside of vacant land that has planning on it for 24 apartments so will be interesting if that project resurfaces.

What are the requirements to apply for social housing as of now?


Sorry, free


A caravan?

Cc @glasagusban


Il get the bags ready

Have you just gone and searched up a post and tagged me in it only to demonstrate that you’ve missed the point? You silly goose.

No. The thread was bumped last night. It landed perfectly for me on your post which outlines your bizarre double standards.

You’ve decided to double down on missing
of the point rather than read back or review your position. Interesting strategy.

Strategy? This is not a campaign of any sort requiring tactics. If you don’t like an ‘expert’ opinion you demand qualifications, if you do like the ‘expert’ it doesn’t matter if they are in anyway qualified.

A newspaper report purporting to quote “an academic expert who wishes to remain anonymous” as an authoritative source is not the same as conveying something someone said on morning Ireland whose name I forgot, because the latter person is identifiable and definitely real.

Mark the difference and take your time to read back before you try to be a smart Alec the the next time. Good man.

Aaaaah, so your anonymous source is ok? Because you say so? Got it.