General Election - Housing Manifestos

Your “point” appears to be that right-wing women shouldn’t be allowed to be criticised purely on the basis that they are women.

That isn’t a point, it’s a typical deflection technique employed by right-wingers to try and shut down criticism.

We seem the same type of nonsense from the likes of Brendan O’Neill to try and protect Priti Patel.

What is she criticised for? For being in a centrist party line FG?

Lots of people have it out for her as she is a serious step up on the quality of female FG have had in the Dáil. In the long term she’s worth listing MMOC and MB in Dún Laoghaire for.

So I was correct in my assessment.

Tim playing the “you can’t criticise a woman!” card is quite hilarious to see.

Eoghan Murphy and Fine Gael make laws to help their billionaire mates…oh wait

NIMBYism is everywhere, in every political party and every Income demo. The challenge of building homes won’t go away with this culture around. The State put in laws to try and help this and they’re challenged, that’s the reality that no “we can build X houses with X imaginary numerous” can bridge.

the usual women hating posters lining up to have a pop at Clare


Like clockwork. They feel safe in a group the women haters.


Any of the tfk housing experts know what went on here??

the speculative market for land here goes further than anything else to explaining the affordability problem.

As someoneliving Iin ni, good luck with sinn fein. Promise millions deliver misery. Ireland will be bankrupt if they get into power

Have they bankrupt northern Ireland? Which crazy policies have they brought in?

Has anyone access behind this paywall? @Tim_Riggins @tallback??

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Dermot Desmond is a good man.

Did you read the article? He makes a lot of the same points and advocates a lot of the same responses that Sinn Fein do.

I suppose you and Tim will now have to accuse Dermot Desmond of fairytale financing and of being a loony leftist dreaming of a socialist utopia?

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Does Dermot want a free gaff?

As I just said Dermot Desmond is a good man and very capable. He’s heavily linked to McManus and them too. I’d be much more comfortable with him running the country than some Sinn Fein guy roaring up the ra.

But he wants to do the same things sinn Fein want to do for the housing market. I can only conclude you haven’t read any of it.

The Irish Times are reporting this morning that Sinn Féin duo Dermot Desmond and Eoin O’Broin had constructive dialogue yesterday about the housing crisis.


I don’t disagree with all of their policies. I disagree strongly with their ties to murders and rapists.

Tap tap tapping away all day long.