General Election - Housing Manifestos

A good example would be Cherrywood.

Whether public or private, it needed a new primary school which the State are building there. The NTA wanted to expand the Metro to the south to significantly increase capacity with the line already creaking. An assortment of Southside NIMBYs (including the leader of the Green Party) have torpedoed that. Don’t be surprised when it’s built that the Green LUAS line is dangerously over capacity.

There are a range of issues across the board. The example of Poppintree LHA is brought up a lot on cost. Site development levies were waved there to bring down the cost but that is no way sustainable across the board.

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Wow. That’s FG for you. It would explain where the likes of Tim gets his skewed views from.

Well he is non profit and a consultant?

I wonder did Mrs Carroll MacNeill help ensure that the non profit profit that Clare works for is given funding?

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There’s no shame in that rugby crowd.

Hugo would be an excellent addition to the Senate .

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He wouldn’t be afraid to front up, get involved in some rucks, make the hard yards and attack issues on the blindside. On the other hand he could kick some issues into touch and offload more difficult ones.

He’s a very decent man.

Funny to see the vitriol from the likes of Clare towards another woman.

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A spoof project.

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Bizarre comment.

I just gave Hugo my number 1.
He’s done great work for people with intellectual disabilities and access to Trinity Colllege and for Inner City kids with Belvedere youth clubs. He also refused to play rugby in apartheid South Africa.

A good guy.

It really isn’t.

She regularly posts comments saluting women for being strong voices out there but has aimed some pretty petty tweets towards MacNeill.

You could disagree with some of her political views coming from the left, but she seems to be particularly vitriolic about her. MacNeill is quite active in the community, on disability services, career wise and academically (like Eoin O’Broin, she WROTE A BOOK). Just something I noticed with her.

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yes, he has donated significantly to FG over the years

Women often bully other women in a way men don’t tend to do.

She only followed up with that because Gavin Reilly called her out.

Hugo MacNeill has never hidden that he worked for GS. In fact last week Sam Smyth grilled him in an interview on it. His role was more along the lines of corporate finance (advice on IPOs, debt raising) and not the aspect of GS that is so controversial.

Interestingly, as someone pointed out on that Twitter thread, the job Clare O’Connor claimed to have before joining that charity full time was in “corporate finance”. In fact she worked in “accounts payable” for Virgin Media, a vastly different and frankly far less qualified role. Ironically enough, it’s unclear who exactly is “misrepresentating” their previous role in this instance.

And whilst she wants to slam MacNeill for his previous company (despite that not being his area), she doesn’t make any apology for taking payment from Virgin Media. This is an organisation that sends debt collectors to lower income and vulnerable people, including the family of a decreased woman.

So what she worked as an AP excel jockey and not an AR one, Hugo never worked with the vulture side of GS, and she doesn’t give him a break.


It’s bizarre. She also got called out by the likes of Breege Quinn and Máiría Cahill for MLMD’s treatment of them after she was lauding MLMD for being a strong confident woman.

It appears you can only be the right sort of strong and confident woman to her.

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An Exchequer surplus of €1,001 million was recorded to end-February 2020. This compares to a surplus of €139 million in the same period last year. Read the February 2020 Fiscal Monitor in full on our website:

We may need that buffer.

The CT receipts being up may very well be a timing thing as well.

If we had kept going without a government for another while without this virus I think we’d be heading for a record breaking year.

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