General Election - Housing Manifestos

We didn’t really . A thing called the troika came in and lent us money .

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You keep saying this but I haven’t seen anyone advocate building mass housing estates. Anywhere. I stopped reading after that.

We are currently spending over €400k per unit on a site owned by DCC in the city centre.

Where is the capacity or resources to do that? Zero interest rates are great until they go up.



That was kind of them wasn’t it?

Except they do. This is a huge demand of the left in recent years. See Rory Hearne etc.

How do you build the units demanded without them?

Scoff if you like. Borrowing for capital projects that will in the long term recoup their cost and have a lasting improvement on society is what governments should do.


What is the story with the “right to a house “ being put in to Bunracht Na hEireann ?

Right to housing does not equal right to a house.

Explain ?

Make single mothers move back in with their parents. That should free up a couple. Bring in an occupancy tax to penalise owners of vacant properties. Confiscate the homes of the elderly. Continue to develop Limerick.

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Completely agree - that doesn’t mean there is an infinite money tree though like your series of posts suggested

“Housing” doesn’t mean a house. It essentially means a right to adequate housing or shelter. It’s an economic right contained in lots of human rights instruments. I haven’t looked into it much but I expect the effect would be to place a responsibility on the state to ensure adequate housing and shelter for everyone. Currently the state has a moral obligation it is failing to fulfil.

I never suggested there was. Do we have capacity to borrow if we need to to fund state building? Absolutely.

Apologies if that was the impression given. I thought I was clear enough tho. my own opinion is that I think FG have been very slow in their 9 years in government to do work not only in housing but in construction in general. Secondly, whilst I believe they have been doing a reasonable job in the last 2 years, I do believe there is a lot more they can do. I also outlined these too. I also think some other party proposals should be considered and implemented. I don’t think their manifesto is enough. I think it needs more policy changes and more work and said as much too. They’ve done a reasonable job and have set a decent ball in motion, but it needs adding to.

Any other reviews of policy was on face value and solely to do with a very singular aspect of each parties manifesto. I don’t think anyone is naive enough to think that this would be a sole reason to vote any particular way.

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What is the estimated number of people whom are actually homeless in Ireland, as in have no shelter and nowhere to stay at night?



You’re right you were secondly more equivocal than I suggested. I think your review is brilliant and well considered and fair play for doing it. I don’t agree that they’ve done a decent job in the last two years at all, I’d completely part with you there.

It was tallback was suggesting i’d have to vote labour on the basis of your review, I wasn’t suggesting it was you at all.

32m. Nearly 450k per unit. State owned council land in the city centre.

Multiple that by 1,000 units.

Multiple that by 10,000.

Multiple that by 100,000.

It’s so easy, just load more debt on. You do the math.

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That’s mental. In my head I was thinking 150k per unit.