General Election - Housing Manifestos

I disagree with his assessment that FG’s approach appears to be being effective and if we let them at it another while they’ll get there.

The state has plenty money and interest rates are very low. Housing is a good investment with multiple knock on positive effects for society. Before Tim is along to tell us that the state is only able to build ballymuns, that is of course stupid.

Ireland is in the EU.

You disagree because you want to disagree - not based on a cogent and detailed analysis.

I’d watch these biases you have - I hope you hide them a bit better at work

You better include extra houses for all the builders you’re hoping will come over too so …

The State doesn’t have plenty money. We have a massive crippling national debt and the imf looking over our shoulder at every penny we spend.


If only there was some way of getting our hands on a tax slush fund from Apple.

The State can just raid private pensions and increase the marginal rate of income tax to 55 per cent again to build homes for people who have a right to own a home.

At the same time it needs to solve the Heath crisis and find more money for that. And increase social welfare. And not increase pension age even though life expectancy is now 15 years more than when pension age was set.

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Yes you could risk doing that.

You can only eat a chicken once or you can collect eggs and eat every day.

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Mao like clarity of thought there.

Even if we took that money, it would be about 6.5% of our debt.

People giving easy answers.

I’m beginning to think @glasagusban was involved in writing the SF housing policy


“We will build ten thousand houses, no one hundred thousand houses, no one million houses. There will be houses for everyone and we will build them in a year and they’ll be the best houses”

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Like Albert and the phones.

I disagree because it is a fact that the FG government has overseen the growth of two linked crises, housing and homelessness. The FG government has furthermore been incredibly slow to introduce any measures at all to address either. Measures it has introduced such a rent increase limits, restrictions on air bnb, its vacant site levy, have been completely ineffective. I’d take the view they were never intended to be effective. Measures such as help to buy are ideologically wrong headed in the current environment and a simply a grant to developers and landowners. Bizarre. They’ve consistently shown not only an inability to act but an unwillingness. Consistently trotting out fake figures inflated for new builds and massaged homelessness numbers to try to make themselves look better proves this. That dishonesty is shameful. Finally, they’ve consistently shown a failure to understand the problems, a constant refrain of needing to address supply (private, market led of course) only as their panacea is simply wrong.


Ah guys, the state prints the money so duh, they can just make more

Lol. We can find billions for the banks but we can’t build a few houses when interest rates are at zero?

You do realize what having to find billions for the banks did to the country?

Not in the slightest pal, I’ve no problem with building social housing.

It needs to have a good business and social case though.

Mass social housing estates have failed everywhere, but certain people want them back. They bring up Denmark and their % of social housing. The reality is that Denmark has thousands of small scale social housing units. This is what Ireland has been trying to mimic for years. I accept that not enough was built for years, but that doesn’t mean we should go the other way. There is an utter refusal from segments on the left to admit that huge social housing developments are a bad idea. The max should be 70 units and they should be geographically dispersed.

Believe it or not, that’s FG’s policy. It means that things don’t change overnight.

The issue is that we have media commentators conflating numerous issues.

What will solve the rental crisis is supply.
What will get people out of hotels is supply and social housing. Social housing should be integrated into communities though.
What will stop rough sleeping is needle clinics, zero tolerance policing and forced interventions for people with mental health issues.

In the meantime, the State spend a lot on issues two and three. Issue one will only be solved through supply.


We found them though by god.